Friday Blue - Redfish Daily Challenge/tips and motivation!

(Join Redfish Daily Challenge by resteeming this post and submitting your story)

Friday Color Blue Challenge. .

Hello steemit world! Here is my submission!

medium: 13 mp camera smartphone

The main purpose of this daily challenge is to challenge yourself! Yes, it is for motivation purpose. When we talk about blue challenge it is not simply photograph the bluesky, blue ocean or blue building. It could be more than that. Be creative and that is my opinion and it's better!
According to science : A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.
but in my own understanding and perception, the sky is blue because the ocean is also blue! Aside from the light from the sun, I do believe the quote: "the waters above so as below". (My opinion only)

Medium: 13mp camera smartphone

The blue water meter. .

The original color for this water meter were bronze! It was painted blue for the purpose of potable water usage.
{It was believed that the first water meter was proposed in 1850, by William Sewell of Williamsburg, New York, USA. Water meters - a device used to measure the volume of water usage - are used at each residential and commercial building in a public water supply system.}

Medium: 13mp camera smartphone with macro lens

Medium: 13mp camera smartphone

A blue Shirt. .

I am introducing you an art, and creativity in using the redfish daily challenge! A chance to level up your posting techniques, effort in your posting category and a little tips and advice and learned together!
Since this shirt is made of silk, it interesting also to know that one ounce of silkworm eggs contains 40,000 eggs (1,500 eggs per gram). These worms will eat 3,500 pounds (1500 kilograms) of mulberry leaves, and will spin cocoons which will produce 18 pounds (8 kilograms) of silk thread. It takes 1700 to 2000 cocoons to make one silk dress (or about 1,000 cocoons for a silk shirt).source.

Resteem this post as you join the redfish challenge and share the fun! 0.200sbd per story is given per account/story submitted. Be motivated, set 100% power up. Daily redfish schedule here.

Redfish Meme! . .

Redfish should think as a whales by upvoting $0.01 to those who comment in your post! I really did it, you must do it also even you are a redfish! Rather than asking upvotes for your post!



I am inviting you also to used the #redfish tag and join the circle. Let my 0.01 upvote help your post with tips and advice. I am upvoting redfish tag each post a day

follow @albertvhons for more 📷



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