Matter of perspective and viewpoint

Photo: CC BY-SA

Once again I got into a situation where I had to decline work. I like the person who was asking, and I really do like my work, but I'm not into working for free or almost free. I do understand their point of view. That corporations prices are low because they want to offer something for those who have lower income level. I understand it. And I have worked for them. Many years ago. But back then I was trying to get work experience as much as possible. I thought, and I still think, that one can pay less to a trainee. Professionals are different. Professionals have taught themselves. Spent time and money to do their work well.

Photo: CC BY-SA

Years ago, I have also worked for businesses which, in my opinion, only exploited me paying me ridiculously small fees for my services. But I needed the money. Experience I had. At least that much that the entrepreneur hired me. I continued there for few months but the reason why I don't work there anymore is the fact that while the companies fees for the customers were, and still are, quite high, my wage was quite low. And the final straw was when at one point they stopped paying me.

I'm a freelancer.

After few weeks the due day of the invoice I had sent them was long gone, I stopped working there. For three to four months I got explanations and more explanations why they haven't payed me, and during that annoying time I decided that I will never work for them again. Eventually I got my money. Haven't talked to them since. In certain things I have a very long memory. Important things.

Photo: CC BY-SA

As a freelancer I have seen how much some businesses try to get everything as cheep as they can. And I do understand it. As an entrepreneur I really do understand how pedantic one has to be with ones money in order to survive. In order to make a living. But what I do not understand is that if the primary way to earn in that business is to sell services and for that the business needs workforce, why is it so hard to understand that without workforce, the business has absolutely nothing! Nothing to sell! And the happier that businesses employees are, the happier are the customers and it's easier to get new customers and get old customers spend more.

Money does help a lot when thinking about what makes any companies workforce happier.

Photo: CC BY-SA

But I do understand. There are different kind of entrepreneurs and businesses with different kind of philosophies. Just do not come to me if you're not so in to paying people for their time or their expertise. Praising words do not pay the bills. A heartful hug or a smile does not magically make food appear on the workers table.

Fortunately I'm in that position that I can decline. Smile and decline.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm busy watching Netflix or taking my camera for long walks outside."

Photo: CC BY-SA

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