Why Don't Girls Like Me???????

This post is dedicated to all my single brothers out there who have asked themselves this moral crumbling question. Special shout out to you all. The other category of guys can also benefit from this post.

Once again, it's your host PBOSS, discussing issues pertinent to youths.

Why don't girls like me???


Funny enough, at some point in your life as a guy, you must have asked yourselves this horrible question.

Most guys try to start a relationship, but everything just crashes. Then feeling down casted, you ask yourself these questions ;

  • What went wrong?????
  • Are girls looking for the best looking guys.
  • She said she needs a guy with substance. What in God's name is "SUBSTANCE". 😟😟😟

Just imagine. 😁😁😁😁

Not too worry, I'm not perfect. I've also asked myself worse questions than this. But I got over it and became a WINNER. Now, with my experience with girls, I've been able to draft out some interesting tips and trust me, if you can do all these things, no girl can ever resist you.

Want to know how? Check these out.....

Cultivate Good Manners.


As a guy, when you respect yourself and respect others, it simply shows that you are matured and girls tend to respect these kind of guys.

Personal Hygiene.


Just imagine yourself trying to hug a beautiful girl, the very minute you raise up your arms, the smell from your armpit chases passersby away. What do you think would be the girl's impression about you. Personal hygiene simply shows that you respect yourself, and others are likely to respect you. But if you allow your personal hygiene to pose as a problem, it will sabotage your efforts in impressing girls.

Conversation Skills.


This is very important. Girls like guys that are spontaneous, guys that are able to use the present situation to form a conversation.
They love guys that are always ready to listen and respond. In fact, that is the main key.


I want you all to say it out to yourself three times.

There's something I noticed, girls can't crack jokes, but they sometimes try, so when you observe that she's trying to crack a dry joke, you LAUGH but not to the point of showing your teeth, because she'll no that you are faking.

Sense Of Humor.


Every guy is naturally funny and that's a simple fact. Now utilize this natural gift by making her laugh. Let her see that whenever she's with you, she must smile or laugh. If you're with a girl and she doesn't laugh or smile at all, even when all your jokes are funny. RUN and DON'T LOOK BACK.

Respect Her Decision.

When a girl says no and she means it, respect that decision. It shows lack of maturity on a guys part when he keeps pestering a girl after she had said no.

Take The Bold Step.

Girls love bold guys. Guys that are ready to speak up any day, any time. Be that guy, after a while of being with her, don't be scared. Declare your feelings. Trust me it's scary,probably the scariest moment of some guys life. The first time I tried it, I felt my legs shaking for a while and my heart pounding, it was skipping beats per seconds. But we thank the lord, I Survived.

Take note, it's not a marriage proposal, so don't be as scared as I was.

My wonderful audience, with these few words of mine, I humbly rest my case. Implement these tips and trust me, you will say the words later on;

"I'm simply irresistible".


Thank you all for your time.

Keep a date with me same time next week.

Your comments are highly valued.

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