Miss. Opinionated : Guys that grind my gears!

4 kinds of guys that really grind my gears!

The chances are, if I catch on to this kind of behaviour from a guy early on, I'll probably be gone with the wind. No one should have to 'put up' with repulsive behaviour. In the best case, you learn to love these traits of your partner, and in the worst, you 'put up' with it. There are of course certain things you should never put up with in any long term relationship, things such as lying, cheating, emotional blackmail, abuse and the list goes on. Here are 4 kinds of behaviours that really turn me off that aren't quite so conventional. Have a look and see if this identifies with you or someone you know!

The gaming entrepreneur

First let me clarify, I don't think there is anything wrong with gaming. It's a perfectly valid hobby and a great way to socialise. But what I hate the most is when gaming becomes a form of escapism from real life responsibilities such as working a job, or planning a career. Sure, there are professional gamers out there who are dedicated to being the best they can be and even making a living, but i'm not talking about those people! I'm talking about the ones who spend all day grinding MMORPG's, going raiding, farming etc. It's as if their virtual achievements give them a sense of accomplishment that eclipses the importance of real life responsibilities.

The Pretty Boy

There's caring about your appearance, and then there's being vain. I don't know what's up with society nowadays, but I see more and more guys wearing make-up, going to the gym to get big muscles, or suffering from eating disorders trying to get ridiculously thin. I don't like it one bit. The emphasis on appearance appeals to teenage fan girls with fleeting tastes. Not exactly ideal. Furthermore, too much narcissism gives the impression that the person is trying to cover up certain things they feel insecure about, ironically, it draws more attention to their imperfections and doesn't serve much purpose other than boosting their own ego. Clean, in shape and lose the vanity + make up!

Emotionally Fragile

Most of us have experienced heartbreak. It sucks. But we get over it and through the experience we become better people, and know better what we want out of a relationship. The process of getting over heartbreak and moving on can take quite some time, it's natural and there's nothing wrong with taking your time, finding your own footing before you get back out there and start dating again. What I really don't appreciate, is when a guy pines over his ex-girlfriend(s) and dominates the conversation with too much talk about his past conquests. Sometimes, they can even get emotional! I'm sorry, but I refuse to be someone's spare tire, or rebound. There is some sentimental value in emotional resonance, but please let it be about you and your current partner. Put the rest behind you, and look forward to pastures new.

Insecure, jealous and controlling

Caring too much is not an excuse for not trusting your partner. And trust means letting them having friends of the opposite sex, and the freedom to socialise responsibly. I could understand the concern if your partner is a bitch in heels down at the bar every night "with her girlfriends". But the majority of girls are not like that, too much control is suffocating and shows the lack of trust between you and your partner. Trust is one of the pillars of a relationship, if your partner has chosen you, then you must trust that they will act responsibly on their own, and without your intervention. Repression is not a good thing, it gives rise to people acting in the opposite way in response. The fact that you impose unreasonable control on a girl can lead to a self fulfilling prophecy of her actually meeting other people because she's fed up with your dictatorship style of treatment.

So, what you're saying is : Don't play games, don't care about your appearance, don't be emotional, and don't care about what the girl is up to?

Not at all. I've found that the people I find most attractive understand what it means to do things in moderation. It's not a black or white situation, most of the time it's a grey area. Most of the time, it's an issue when a person takes these things too far and it becomes too extreme. If you're one of these people that take things to the extreme, then just know that Miss. Opinionated would have none of it and would be out of your life quicker than you know it.

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