Miss. Opinionated : Nice girls finish last

Girls have it bad too

Almost echoing Nice guys finish last, girls too have their own fair share of dating woes, especially when they're "too nice". I'm certainly not suggesting being a slutty leather wearing bitch is the way to go. No no. After all, all guys know that bad girls are bad news. They're not the kind of girl they can take home to parents, they're impossible to live with, frustrating as long term partners and generally a nightmare to deal with. Yet, every man harbours a secret desire for that "bad girl".

Wouldn't it be great to possess the traits of a bad girl and still be nice at the same time?
That way, you could win the heart of his parents, and win his heart at the same time!

Let's get bad.

Naughty Girls

Bad girls resent prudish behaviour. Humans like sex, and the last time I checked, girls are humans too. Bad girls are daring and adventurous. They are unafraid of displaying their sexuality and exploring new sexual horizons. If anything, most guys probably think their "nice girls" are too passive when it comes to sex. Why not take the lead, try new things, experiment. It's a win win!

Take a break, be Sexy!

It's easy to let yourself go once the relationship seems stable. What's the need in dressing up and being sexy all the time, it's not like the guy likes me for being sexy all the time.. Well, there's a reason why the first question a relationship therapist asks is "Hows your sex life?" because it actually says a lot about your attitude towards keeping up appearances. Pyjamas are certainly comfortable, but looking like you crawled out of a cave all day is not conducive to sexy time. Dress up, look good, be sexy! Looking good is always a confidence booster, and confidence is something bad girls do not lack one bit.

The secret seductress

Being able to drive a man wild without making your intentions obvious is absolutely a skill that must be mastered. This kind of flirting is bread and butter for the aspiring bad girl. Dropping subtle hints and yet refraining from coming across too skanky. Isn't it fun making the guy's nose bleed? Okay that might be a bit much, but still, the secret seductress is a trait of every bad girl, and the guys are loving it.

Bad girls stay in shape

Sometimes, letting yourself go isn't just the reluctance to wear flattering clothes. It's also the reluctance to stay in shape. Aside from the obvious benefits of working out to stay healthy, staying in top shape is paramount to maintaining the bad girl image and works wonders for self confidence too. Being "busy" is being lazy. No excuses ladies, make regular exercise a lifestyle change, if not for looking great, then for the sake of being healthy!

There's being "bad", and then there's being a real bitch

Remember, we're trying to acquire the positive traits of bad girls in doing so, being the best of both worlds. However there are traits we must avoid. If not, we'll only find ourselves being avoided like the plague.


Selfishness is not a trait anybody likes. Not even sometimes. There's a difference between knowing what you want, and acting like you're the centre of the world. Practising empathy goes a long way, and bitchy bad girls just don't know how.

Gold Diggers

There's nothing worse than selling yourself for materialistic desires. It's really no different from being a prostitute. A real woman will be independent and know how to acquire the thing's she wants herself. Sure, we all have things we desire, but don't expect someone to buy something for you that you wouldn't be prepared to buy yourself. Sex might be the real currency in a relationship, but treating a guy like an ATM is just toxic gold digging behaviour.

Gods gift to men

Some bad girls are so narcissistic that they truly believe they are the best thing since sliced bread. The whole world is suppose to revolve around her, and she's the best girl around. Common wisdom is that a person, man or woman, should learn to love themselves if they wish for others to love them in return. Except, these bad girls take it a step too far. There's loving yourself, and then there's thinking you're gods gift to men. Even if you really believe you're that good, learn to take a dose of humility and tone the ego right down. Excessive narcissism is a real turn off!

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