Vulnerability: How Not Hiding Anything Will Make You Stronger

Let's break it down...

Vulnerability is NOT weakness, despite what you have been told. Hiding away from your shadows and avoiding talking about your feelings because of fear does NOT represent strength. This is what most of us, especially men, are taught since the childhood. Letting people in is considered a weakness. Then you get called a pussy by insecure guys that are too afraid to face their own shit, so they put their own insecurities onto others. We’re all scarred, scuffed and damaged in one way or another.

Running away from yourself and not being vulnerable will eventually fuck you up inside. Being ashamed or feeling guilt for any situation from your past or flaw will do only destructive things to your self worth. A lot of us have secrets from the past. Flaws that we try to hide. Feelings that we avoid talking about. We do this because we have fear of judgment.

I will be honest - I was afraid. It felt overwhelming.

Being open with EVERYONE felt scary. It was like walking into a crowdy restaurant completely naked. I started accepting every bit of myself - insecurities, past situations and feelings. All of it.

I realized one thing. You simply cannot be hurt when you are vulnerable. Why? You are not hiding anything. There is nothing to put the hook around and pull.

Being vulnerable allowed me to attract the people I want in my life. It enriched current connections with people, making them go deeper.

Breathe in, breathe out. Let go.

Are you willing to be totally okay with all the things inside yourself which you are afraid of? With all the judgments you place upon yourself? With all your feelings? With all the past situations that make you feel embarrassed?

People who have true courage have the guts to take off the armor and shield, and show the world who they truly are. Do not be afraid and call it weakness as an excuse not to let others in. Pay attention at how your relationship with people around you will change. Notice how YOU will change.

Are you ready to be internally free and offer others to feel free, too?

But you will need to show up first if you want others to relate this way!

Are you ready to give up trying to control?

Let go.

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