Human values: Truth-Looking back ( Ecotrain)

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Human values: Truth-Looking back

I promised to write at the end of this week about my journey with Truth and its sub values. I am going to keep my promise, as that to me is an important part of Truth. But it's challenging to keep it, as I had a hard week. I was on strong antibiotics, which made me feel quite delirious and very tired and two days ago I woke up with hives all over my body as an allergic reaction to one of the penicillin based antibiotics I was taking. So I'm typing this post while I am covered in itchy red patches, scratching every now and then. Boy, it's not easy pondering Truth when you're not well. Here it goes:

I 've focussed mainly on the sub value of integrity this week. I find integrity a beautiful word and the concept has fascinated me for some time now, so that seemed the right one to pick. Letting thoughts go through my head about it, I remembered the word being used when the star trek ships were under attack. The captain would say: 'Damage report?' and the technical officer would reply: 'Hull plate integrity down to 30 %' And that would not be good. 

I have wondered about the meaning of integrity in this context and how it could shine light on the meaning of it in day to day life. This is what I found. Integrity has something to do with your eggshell being whole. Whether it's the hull of a spaceship or our personal space. It's about respecting our own boundaries and those of others. And these two go hand in hand. Our own eggshell can't stay whole while we are breaking other people's eggshells and the other way around: Other peoples boundaries are bound to be crossed by us if we don't respect our own. 

In other words integrity has a lot to do with staying in touch with our own vulnerability, because only then can we feel our own boundaries. And only if we can feel our own boundaries can we feel those of others. Staying in touch with our own vulnerability is an act of self acceptance and of Love. This would be the starting point of Truthful communication in my opinion. 

'Speak with Love and it becomes Truth.'

Sathya Sai Baba

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