Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some conclusions

Last week we took a deeper look into the structure of the creation account paying attention to the order and sequence that repetitive elements are repeated in.

If you missed the previous posts in this series I have linked them at the bottom of this post.

Below is the structure laid out graphically with some emphasis on the connected elements.

Such intricate structure is clearly intentional and cannot be seen as coincidental.

In fact the use of triads or three's in a series is extremely common in both the old and new testament as is the use of the third day for emphasis.

Below I quote from a detailed web page giving many examples where three and the third day are used.

This interested by this will find great benefit in reading that as well.

The Third Day as a Literary Motif
As with the use of the number three in a series, which conveys implications and expectations beyond the normal conventional meaning, so the third day often carries with it an additional sense or nuance. It seems apparent from the scriptural record that the third day was selected for a given activity or matter at hand for some distinct purpose and attendant emphasis, which those who were involved in the situation understood. Likewise those who later heard or read of the incident would be familiar with the various possible emphases in the choice. The abundant use of the third day argues for viewing the third day as a literary motif that could be employed for several reasons.

The use of the three part literary devices still exists today because it’s a good way to structure an idea or concept.

There is a beginning, a middle and an end or as we are taught when first learning to write:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

It is then highly likely that the days here are used not only as a three sequence parallel but also as a third day emphasis.

Then there is a seventh day.

Seven is also another heavily utilized number and sequence in the bible precisely because it consists of 2 groups of three and then a final element, which is also specially emphasized to convey implications and expectations beyond the normal conventional meaning.

In this case, the emphasis, implication and special meaning is heavily weighted around the contrasting lack of creative activity so prevalent on the previous days.

The creation account brings special emphasis to the seventh day as a day of rest, a Sabbath, later THE Sabbath, one of the most defining covenants of the relationship between the Lord and the house of Israel.

In fact, often when the commandment is given and repeated thereafter, the creation account and days are brought up to illustrate the matter. Basically what scriptural writers are stipulating is that if its good for the Lord, its good for us, and the creation account is written in such a way that the Lord originally set the example to be followed.

The teaching and emphasis by Moses in his writings of this defining covenant is so strong that it still survives today among followers of the Mosaic law when nations and empires have come and gone and the nations concerned have been scattered across the globe.

Next week I will look at expanding on the seventh day and also other examples of these types of structures in some of Moses's other books.

As a teaser take a look at the account of the plagues of Egypt and see if you can discover a similar structure. Don't be lazy and google it, try to find it for yourself, there is a lot to be discovered in the process.

Previous parts of this Series

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Where do these notions originate?

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Delving a little deeper

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Into the detail

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2 columns
1 column