Daily Scripture

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Today I would like to look at 1 John 4 verse 1-3

1)My dear friends, do not believe all who claim to have the Spirit, but test them to find out if the spirit they have comes from God. For many false prophets have gone out everywhere.
2)This is how you will be able to know whether it is God's Spirit: anyone who acknowledges that Jesus Christ came as a human being has the Spirit who comes from God.
3)But anyone who denies this about Jesus does not have the Spirit from God. The spirit that he has is from the Enemy of Christ; you heard that it would come, and now it is here in the world already.

There are ways to determine if a preacher's message, is the truth, and that is to measure it against what the Bible tells us. The most important test is however the pure confession about Jesus Christ. That is that Jesus is the Son of God, who became a human, to die for our sins, but was resurrected and ascended to heaven, from where He will come one day to fetch His children. A persons confession about Jesus Christ indicates to us if the person has the Spirit of God or the Antichrist.

Again these verses show us the importance to know the Bible, as was highlighted in yesterday's post.

Have a wonderful day.
Soli Deo Gloria

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