Dear @Dayleeo — 23rd of September — slept well, shaved my head, face rash, into the day!

hey hey hey.
morning morning.

i got fed up with my thick head of hair last night so i blitzed it off, felt instantly better, lighter. just went to do the early morning ‘drop the kids at the pool’ and noticed in the better mirror that i’ve got this like track alongside my beard line on the left, similar to how the face one was, i think it’s a bacteria infection, either way i’m feeding it face cream and hope it will go away. plenty of water for me. if it’s not gone down by monday it’s a trip to the doctor. i gotta go anyway to get a replacement inhaler.

so, hey. morning. not had coffee yet and i’m on point. that’s a good sign for the rest of the day, i know you wanna go over stuff for a flight here today, thinking depending on when you arrive i’ll get a room/hotel for the night at the airport so i don’t have to deal with the price of an early morning train or all that commuter faff. kinda dies down after 9am and it’s cheap. fairly straight forward to get trains from the airport back to this way and then we can get a cab back up to the van then it’s crash down for the girl right? :)

so today, hoping the client is coming back to me about her work, i’d love to get some more of that resolved before sunday end of day rolls around, even if she just gives me a little bit of direction i’m ready to rock on it, even if it’s just researching and grabbing the clips and putting together a time line vs her script, i’ll pull together some clips and see if that works for her, think i’ll spend another couple of hours regardless pulling down clips that i think work with her script and give her and update on it.

mini biza is currently behind me making a coffee. she has this thing at the moment about making me coffee. it’s super sweet. she allows me to get on with writing back to you while she makes coffee and gets ready. it’s a good distraction and time waste while i’m writing and she is dying to get back on the machine and play something. i try and regulate that, also at around 11am i’m gonna get her maths book out of the car so we can do a few of those together, the more we do the more natural it will become - this coffee is molten hot wow, best leave that a sec!

glad ya chat with dad went well and you did some logistics. super cool. you absolutely have changed or at least organised yourself more in the last 8 months for sure. you have options you didn’t have the eight months previous to that. that’s huge. gives you breathing room to be able to work on passion projects or just some freedom if down more yoga or exercise to take things a little more steady than usual knowing you don’t have to be super on point all the time.

excited to talk about your flight stuff today. think it’s gonna be a semi-chilled, research, stock video pulling, script reading cross referencing kinda day, i doubt i will be building that up until she comes back to me on it because i really need a ‘song’ and a starting frame of reference from here, the rest of it can extrapolate but i need to know her branding, style and how she perceives to be. i’m sure she has a clarity of what the video will be at the end, she understand the stock limitations i hope, we ain’t going super high level here. we just don’t have the funds and resources to do that.

right hunny, i gotta get into the day, it’s 10am. gotta get biza back in the next few hours and she’s sitting in bed watching some slime rancher stream on twitch, gotta her in some clothes and get her moving in the direction of waking up that brain. waters all around me thinks. gonna ride out this coffee buzz and get into this chilled saturday. it’s been a hell of a week, thanks for being there for me this week as you are each and every week to bounce things together. certainly feel that forward momentum right now! :)

oh yeah and i forgot i gotta get that amplify project stuff too as well. i'll see what i'm looking like against the green screen this morning and see if my brain is up for imparting information today. i kinda feel that might happen tomorrow, at least that gives me a clear 7 days to get the post updated if i can record like 5 videos or more a day for it. don't wanna put up the post if all the links are not gonna be complete in the time scale. hmm, needs more thought!

lots of love, hugs and stuff
time to activate the day
get that mat life, smash that yoga
drink ancient waters.
speak to you really soon!

mr mouser x

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