Banjo Report for Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Banjo Report for 2017-08-09 00:15:28 UTC

These are commands available for @banjo on SteemSpeak presented here in report form.


Quotes from The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

Fifth, when schedule slippage is recognized, the natural (and traditional) response is to add manpower. Like dousing a fire with gasoline, this makes matters worse, much worse. More fire requires more gasoline, and thus begins a regenerative cycle which ends in disaster.

$follows banjo

Here's who's following @banjo and their total MVESTS.

banjo's followers: 454 (664.370 MVESTS); following: 0 (0.000 MVESTS)


Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Poloniex.

Total Reward Fund: 693,663 STEEM (Worth: $932,976 internally; $941,500 on Poloniex)

$rewardpool golos

Reward pool information including the value as implied by the internal price feed as well as Bittrex.

Total Reward Fund: 116,718 GOLOS (Worth: 344,317 GBG internally; $16,489 on Bittrex)


According to sbds:

Past 24 Hours:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 24 To 48 Hours:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 48 To 72 Hours:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 7 Days:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 7 To 14 Days:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 14 To 21 Days:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 30 Days:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 30 To 60 Days:

account_creates: 0; post_counts: 0; votes: 0; comment_counts: 0; payments: 0

Past 60 To 90 Days:

account_creates: 27553; post_counts: 267684; votes: 5337237; comment_counts: 843711; payments: 64647

According to Mongo:

Today: 80 new accounts (0.114 MVESTS delegated); 1377 active accounts; 59 posts (40 authors); 650 comments (309 authors); 2071 votes (826 voters)

Yesterday: 278 new accounts (16.701 MVESTS delegated); 22430 active accounts; 8742 posts (4607 authors); 45392 comments (3497 authors); 248778 votes (15121 voters)

$voting 1440

What is the split between upvotes and downvotes in the last 24 hours?

As of 1 day ago:

1965 upvotes by 830 voters with 11,015 MVESTS, average weight: 66.360%
123 downvotes by 29 voters with 1,397 MVESTS, average weight: -47.830%


Current hardfork summary.

Current: 0.19.0; Witness Majority: 0.19.1; Last: 0.19.0 (about 2 months ago)
Version Votes by Top 100 Witnesses:



1 MV = 1M VESTS = 484.366 STEEM = $651.472 = $657.424 on Poloniex



1 MG = 1M GESTS = 263.699 GOLOS = 777.911 GBG = $31.946


Current supply of STEEM.

Supply: 253,012,476 STEEM (Worth $340,301,780 SBD); $3,589,623 SBD (1.055% of supply); 69,493,303 Liquid STEEM (27.466% of supply)

$supply golos

Current supply of GOLOS.

Supply: 125,555,162 GOLOS (Worth 370,387,728 GBG); 4,135,700 GBG (1.117% of supply); 32,281,450 Liquid GOLOS (25.711% of supply)


Current price of the assets as seen on the exchanges.

Poloniex: USD/STEEM: $1.3573; USD/SBD: $0.9658
Bittrex: USD/GOLOS: $0.1413; USD/GBG: $0.0910

$calcreward ...

Here, we're looking at the top trending post to see the impact it has on the reward pool.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the FUD
About 2 hours old; Net votes: 122; Comments: 26; Views: 283
Total Pending Payout: $781.527 (0.084% the size of reward pool).


Total posts promoted for today and yesterday, including the total burned. This is presented as a ratio of the daily reward pool for comparison.

201 posts promoted today totalling $182.010 (0.020% the size of reward pool).

399 posts promoted yesterday totalling $130.804 (0.014% the size of reward pool).

This bot is currently being developed by @inertia. It's written in ruby and uses radiator to access the blockchain and steemdata-rb to query report data.

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