Steemit Reputation Explained with Star Wars | Reputation Challenge!!!!

Source of the image used


Hello everyone!! You know I love contest so this Post is my entry for the reputation challenge hosted by @modernpastor !!! You can check it out HERE Want to thanks him for the support to the community with this fun idea. I like to think of the reputation as "levels" that you are going to unlock as in a game mmorpg. Must say that I love those games. But this time I want to explain reputation with Star Wars Characters, from the silliest one until the most powerful being in the galaxy. Hope you like it and get it!


Let's start explaining the system The Reputation score in this awesome platform is the number next to your name. It represents the value you have brought to the platform Steemit, how much you interact and how good you made things. We all start with the reputation score of 25.

source of Jar Jar Binks Image

Ok, when you start here in this platform as a new you are full of questions, you don't know what to do or what to post. So, you are like Jar Jar Binks and sometimes as new in Steemit we can be so annoying as this character but there always will be someone with that many patient to help you out and explain things. You start with a 25 Reputation, it's up to you to stay being Jar Jar or become a powerful being in this cool platform.


source of Chewbacca Image

As you spend more time here you realize that you can do many things to support the community and provide quality content, and of course gaining more reputation. As Chewbacca helping Han Solo all the time with anything he needs. You are learning what your skills are good for Steemit and you can see it's not just a way to get money. Be loyal as Chewie with the people who help you from the beginning.


source of Darth Maul Image

Here you realize that you have power on yourself and to success, you are determined to improve and put more effort. Here you can be clear that it does not matter your appearance but your skills to make quality content, as Darth Maul... He's ugly but you can realize that he's so good fighting.


source of Mace Windu Image

Things get serious here. You already start having followers and people that really read you. Just as Windu served the Order and the Republic we must serve in Steemit, you just need to have everything organized, you already know the platform, as I said it's up to you!


source of Obi Wan Kenobi Image

Now things are getting more real than ever, you are a master like one of those who help you in your beginning and you are becoming more powerful, your post has more influence you know the people of the community, you are very familiar with everything. As Obi Wan Kenobi you have influence, has followers and persons to stand for.


source of Darth Sidious Image
source of Sheev Palpatine Image

You have amazing power, Steemit is at your feet but it is part of you now. You have your own apprentices have risen incredibly and can continue to improve, although Darth Sidious is evil I take it as a reference to the level of power that has, here with this reputation we will have an amazing level of influence, people will want to follow our steps so take care where we step, our best goal will always be to contribute to the community.


source of Luke Skywalker Image

Ok this one is really high reputation, I have not seen such high reputations and I would really be very emotional because it would be a great amount of effort. A whole new level of post and influence over the limits. Be as Luke, powerful but still good, keep training and keep on doing things well.


source of Yoda Image

You are getting wiser as Yoda, you know the platform as your own hand. I don't know almost nothing about this reputation... But what I know is that you are the boss now. Yoda went through many things to become who he is and because he always has his friends.


source of Darth Vader Image

The most powerful being in the galaxy, Darth Vader. With this reputation you are a God in here. I Know some people will reach to this whole new level of rep, maybe not soon but they will making a great job. Anyone can achieve it is as I said at the beginning, it's a constancy and dedication thing. May the force be with you in Steemit. He been through A LOT more than anyone and he still is stronger than ever.


Thanks for reading me once more. Hope you really like my Yoda English this time :)


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