First of all, If you're not sure what residual income is..
It's the money you get when you're not doing anything, also known as passive income.  In other words you've already done the work, and then you continue to receive income even though you've stopped working.  This is extremely powerful.  Let's take a moment to analyze this.  Do you work now?  It's OK if you do, but consider your income.. think about how much money you make a month.. In order to receive that money, you must work each month.  If you stop working will you continue to be paid?  OK, now.. that amount of money you get paid each month.. whatever amount that is.. can you imagine receiving that sum of money regularly each month, passively.  Without having to go to work?  All I'm getting at here is that it doesn't takemuch to replace your current income.  On the same note, don't you think it's at least worth the effort to venture out a bit to even see if it's possible?  Well it is possible, and it is very realistic.  As a matter of fact, hundreds upon hundreds of entrepreneur-minded individuals are replacing their income every day.  Let's get something straight though, it's never a get-rich-quick scenario.. maybe in some folklore myth or fairy tale you'll read about the get-rich-quick, but everyone who ever made it paid their dues, they put forth their due diligence.  Heck, they even failed along the way, some more often than others.  Actually, when you think about it, the more you're willing to fail, the closer you get to achieving your goal.   Because if you fail the first time, and you say your tired of failing.. that's when you've ultimately failed..  But if you get back up and say, you know what.. I want some more, and you keep pushing until you've reached your desired result, that's how you get there.  

Let's get back on topic.  The point here is, right now you may be working hard for your money; every month. every week. every day.  So, you're probably on a fixed income.  If you stop working, your money stops coming in.  The point is you can change that.  That amount can be supplemented with passive income just by putting forth a few hours a week.  It is possible.  Once you've supplemented your income with residual income think about what happens..  Going to work at a J.O.B. (which if you're entrepreneur-minded you've already heard this several times Just Over Broke).  But going to a job is optional.  Optional!  Doesn't that feel great when you imagine not having to go into work..?  You can fire your own boss! (which by the way spells double S.O.B. backwards by the way..).  You can fire him because you don't need your boss or your job.  Once you've supplemented your income, you're FREE of a job.  Free of the shackles in chains that so many people are bound to.  Literally.  That alone is very powerful.  The other thing this residual income does is.. now that you don't have to go to work.. Imagine all that time you've just freed up.  What would you do with all that free time.. Now, if you're motivated to take your money-making project to the next level, you have ample time to build that.  But if you comfortable and honestly happy where you're at, you can relax and enjoy your time off from work for the rest of your life provided you've set up a solid stream of residual income.  Ladies and gentlemen, residual income is no joke, this really is your ticket to freedom when you think about it.  Don't ever give up at your endeavors, those who say you can't make it, I promise you they are only saying that out of spite because you have the drive and they never will.  I'll see you at the top! 

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