Incentive-based basic income

The Resilience protocol is designed to be an "incentive-based basic income", where the incentive-system is the most important component.

I compare Resilience to the Nakamoto incentive. Craig Wright's idea to reward miners for maintaining a blockchain, which gave value to BTC, which made people use the Bitcoin infrastructure.

New types of incentive-design, like for example Craig Wright's now 7 years old idea, can enable new types of social organization which was previously inconceivable.

The broad ideas for the incentive-system are described in this blog-post, which includes ideas from Nathan Waters who is a conducer for ideas, and who has inspired parts of my thinking.

Reading that ties into my work


Craig Wright's work on evolutionary systems

More about the Resilience protocol

Using a genetic algorithm for self-organising emergent tax-rates in a crypto basic income system -

Using P2P value maps and universal darwinism for a crypto basic income system -

The crypto basic income protocol "Resilience" - On chronological branching processes -

Why decentralised organisations require a new type of welfare system (literally) -

Johan Nygren, “Crypto-states make taxation impossible  –  Darwinian Basic Income is the Future” -

Nathan Waters broadcasting the idea of Taxemes

Try out Taxemes on Ethereum

Try it out and see what it feels like to spread and to be infected with Taxemes

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