I'm sure one thing, We all saw the movie called ''Titanic" .. 😞
The romantic story between Rose and poor boy Jack makes millions of hearts vibrate, mercy ... I have seen this film many times do not remember. And today I'm going to review the Titanic again, and I'll write a review for you. I spent two hours writing this article, I hope everyone will comment on this movie..
The Atlantic holds the Titanic in its luggage and carries a host of bad passengers sinking to the bottom of the sea, but one thing remains to this day: timeless love stories.. ☺️

The Titanic was the legendary ship of history in the 1980s. When the Titanic sailed for the first time over the ocean and accidentally hit a catastrophic accident, killing thousands of people on the Titanic the ship must die.

In 1997, the movie Titanic was officially announced to the world audience named "Titanic". The film is based on real-life disaster directed by Jamese Cameron, co-scripting, co-editing, co-editing and financial support for this film project. The movie takes place in the true sinking of the Titanic in 1912, starring Leonardo DiCaprio (as the male lead Jack) and Kate Winste (as the female lead Rose) in two people in two classes. Different societies, one from the noble nobility to the noble, Jax guy was born from the poor black population and they fell in love on the trip for the crossing fateful destiny. .

Beautiful nude artwork of Rose

A brief description of Jack Dawson in the movie: Jack is a poor homeless man, from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin of France. He set foot in many parts of the world, and one day he decided to cross the ocean to America, where he won two train tickets one day to set foot on the RMS Titanic in the third with one man. you. He was betrayed by Rose, who came from a noble view from the cabin, when she was about to jump off to end her life but he stopped her. That was when Jack Dawson and Rose officially began their relationship.

The hot image of actress Kate Winslet in the movie..

Brief description of the character Rose DeWitt Bukater: A girl from the French nobility, she also flew the fateful but in the first class of the ship. Rose was only 17 years old. She was forced to be engaged to a 30-year-old Cal Hockley so that she and her mother would be able to stay in society because her family was having some serious problems with her. main topic.

Briefly tell the content of the film:
In 1996, a treasure hunter named Brock Lovett and his team in their research boat reached the spot where the old Titanic sank to find the necklace of a precious diamond that was ancient. Cal Hockley gave Rose DeWitt Bukater an engagement. The most valuable diamond in the world has made many archaeological hunters searching for long but failed. But when he recovered the safe and did not find any diamonds other than the naked picture that Jack Dawson once donated to Rose. Brock Lovett's team posted the news to the television and found the woman Rose Dawson Calvert, who learned of the news on television, recognized herself as a woman in this photo shoot and decided to visit Brock Lovett. Re-detailing the catastrophic accident and his romance in the old days.

The story is told that, in 1912 at the Southampton port of France, the 17-year-old girl with her fiance Cal Hockley set foot on the fateful Titanic ship in the first class of the ship to resolve some The problem of his family, Rose feels very memory about this. Then one night, she decided to jump into the sea to finish this. But accidentally poor Jack Dawson caught up and persuaded the girl. Rose recounts being rescued by a third-class guy, so her fiance, Cal, invited Jack to come in first class to have dinner with her family. At dinner that night Jack secretly invited Rose to third class chamber once said. She was caught up in the simple scenes of ordinary life, carefree and cheerful, laughing every day. Ruth and Cal knew it and forbade Jack's attempts to reach Rose. The love story of two people floating on the sea until one day the Titanic was hit and hit in 1912. In the middle of the cold south no one can survive with a few rescue boats, Jack sacrificed himself. His body to keep Rose alive to the last minute.

Jack scene gives Rose the only chance to live life that obsesses viewers..

At noon just go to see Titanic 3D outside the theaters. The same content, a cast, a music genre, but the feel of watching TV at home is different from watching it outside. When watching at the cinema, movie emotions are more intense and more authentic. Thought to have seen the film many times, knew what would happen, will not cry anymore but the truth is that tears still fall. I cried a total of three times. The first is when the segment, while the rest try every second, every opportunity to keep their lives, there are still people who have accepted their life to the same ship: the captain, design he, the old couple, the mother and two young children, and the old nobleman and his assistant. When I look at this section, I feel very contradictory, constantly ask myself if I also encounter this situation, whether I will struggle to survive or accept surrender to fate ...? The second is when Rose discovers that there is a salvage ship, although she is very unlucky but still have to let go of Jack to swim next to the person with the whistle. This is my most heartbreaking piece ... Jack's posture slowly lost under the cold, dark water that made me feel like he could not leave Rose, want Rose to continue holding onto himself. Certainly Rose did not even have to leave Jack and the pain was so great, but because of the promise to live with Jack and also because of her will to survive, she has no choice. Anyway ... The third time was when Rose was at the moment in the sleep was reunited with Jack, along with the crew and passengers of the Titanic, who were forever sinking deep under the sea. Maybe this episode is not real, it's just a script but I really hope it will happen when Rose is no longer alive. She will be able to meet the old men and continue their unfinished journey, as well as continue the burning passion she has longed for with young Jack. Jack and those people are waiting for you as they have been waiting for decades in the movie. Really want this to happen ...

There is one thing that makes me look forever after watching the movie. Rose had said she had no pictures of Jack, even a drawing. Jack is sure to be so different from Jack in the movie, constantly wondering what Jack would look like, handsome, young and full of enthusiasm like Jack Leonardo DiCaprio has shown or not? It is a pity not to have anything to celebrate Jack except for the love story that does not end in happiness.

Because the film is made up of a true story in history, so when you look at the passengers and crew died in the movie, I immediately recalled the true victims of the sinking of the ship that year. The heart is sad and painful ... Just wish it had never been the truth, but just a script, a fictional movie of the movie world.😋

Here are some of my favorite characters. I had to write down the meaning of the lines...

  1. “A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrects”
  2. “You jump, I jump, remember?”

.3. “And all the while I feel like I’m standing in the middle of a crowded room screaming at the top of my lungs and no one even looks up.”

  1. “You’re a spoiled little brat, even. But under that, you’re the most amazingly astounding, wonderful girl, woman, that I’ve known.”

.5. “You must do me this honor. Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.”

  1. “I don’t even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory.”

.7. “You know something? Nobody ever does anything to be nice. They get something out of it.”

8..“You’ve gonna die an old, old lady, warm in her bed. Not there, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?” 😞

I hope my article has good content, I expect people to read and like it .. Today I write this blog from my feelings and emotions ..😁

Great song! Let me hear this song again!!

By: @a-alice

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