Perhaps, everyone has an unending love affair with Mia and Sebastian in La La Land. But that does not mean that the madness and youthfulness of youth is lost in the waste..
Returning home after a rather late performance of La La Land, in my mind as much as I thought. That seems, everyone in the screening room also has such a feeling. I see a girl hugging her boyfriend all the way from the bench to the elevator; Some people claw their red eyes or silent steps than usual. Incidentally, I wonder this movie makes people so sad?

Love is always what people need, sometimes more than happiness. Because, everyone views love as one of the components of happiness, alongside career or fulfillment. It is easy to understand that since we were born, we have lived in love. Growing up a bit, I started to bring my love to other people outside of my family. And as a maturity of the heart, the brain urges us to find a companion of ours to bond for the rest of our lives. Love is like thousands of pictures and hundreds of unexpected.

Sometimes find the youth does not think I will marry a guy right next to me. Sometimes I use hesitation with a love-but-myself-no-love-but finally stick to the silver tooth..

At times, we can not imagine a strange stranger who accidentally hit the road, several times meet but never good times become the people love. Love is very fierce, very sincere, like the lake burned youth. It was like when Mia left the Christmas Eve in a state of boredom, wandering the streets of Los Angeles and stopped by a restaurant for a hint of jazz music. Maybe then, Mia also can not believe that listening to music that I never liked again is a moment that changed her life completely.

Mia opened the door and stood in a spot where Sebastian's musician was fascinated by the piano keys while those around him were unrepentant. At that moment, I myself also feel love, like a new flower sprout in the womb. It motivated us to move, and Mia ran to the musician even though she realized he was the one who had "raised his middle finger" in traffic jams a few days ago.

When watching this movie, I remembered the love of lightning. That very strange energy, that I was passionate to forget the sky or who I am.

Youth is so easy to vibrate with everything. Sometimes it's just walking together in a dark night or questioning about hobbies and falling in love with each other at all times. Love is inherent, let alone love in the young. Even if it is just a heat or a hundred years promised, still want to fall in love with nothing else. It is easy to understand that, while the whole world is turning its back on ourselves and we find ourselves a loser, we will want to stick with them more than just a concern.

I used to have that feeling, the feeling of wanting my loved one to fly through the galaxy, dancing on stars and kissing in a movie theater. I am of that youthful time with whom I swear a hundred years appointed to build dreams. Just like Mia and Sebastian, how good the ambition is.

Do not know if there are more thoughts like me, believe that love is an integral part of life. Many people are wary of the destruction that love brings, especially for the future. But I believe love is like an unlimited power. It is ready to "pump" into your blood the enthusiasm and recklessness that no one has ever born or learned. This recklessness as a kind of "stimulation" of the dream. Especially at this stage we feel that we are going to use all the months labeled "youth" and it is time to have a finish. If there is no strength or no extravagant, the dream will forever be just what I want to tell when I grow old in regret.

I am fortunate to have such valiant courage in the most painful moment when I turn 20 crisis. More than anyone, I understand Mia's feeling of leaving college to become an actor and receiving consecutive failures. I also had nearly a year at home doing miscellaneous jobs and without a love motive behind it did not work as well as now. I am lucky to have a loved one, as Mia and Sebastian have each other in the dark months of life.

And then with the same energy that we have passed on to each other, the lovers draw a very mysterious future. They cheered each other and helped each other through the hardship of youth to be proud of being bigger.

Imagine love and ambition have become two supporters on the road named life. But then, while forgetting themselves to create the future, they forget each other when they do not know. The end of the lovers are out of ink, but far from each other because life is no stranger at all. Anyone can become a victim of ambiguous intersection between love and dream, as two polarized cores are squeezed together. Only when they stumble and fall apart, those who thought they would stick together for the rest of their lives lost each other in the dream of their love. As the idiots carry the dream dream.

But young people, do not be discouraged. Even those who have ever tasted the breakdown due to the interference of the rhythm of love and ambition, stop pacing and blame your past. Because any end in this world will be sad if you can not give him a smile. Mia and Sebastian, too, finally realized the truth that their love and their dreams could never be paralleled.

When the movie ends, no one in the theater clap. But they all lingered until the last note came out and the giant screen was as dark as ink. I stood up quietly away, around me people are silent to each other out of the theater. I know, everyone is engrossed in their own thoughts about Mia, about Sebastian, about their unfinished love story in La La Land.

La La Land: When We're Young, Can not Get All the Love of a Job!

When the movie ends, no one in the theater clap. But they all lingered until the last note came out and the giant screen was as dark as ink. I stood up quietly away, around me people are silent to each other out of the theater. I know, everyone is engrossed in their own thoughts about Mia, about Sebastian, about their unfinished love story in La La Land.

This is a sad film, but very life..

It is beautiful in every frame and true in every dialogue. It's been a long time since I've been through all the emotions, emotions, love, stuttering like watching a psychological drama. I found myself in Mia - the student passed Law School to pursue passionate acting. I also felt something from the unemployed poor Sebastian musician like me.

So, we are all young, have a heart burning passion and love, but the career is too much unfinished, all are struggling to prove themselves.

Perhaps it was because of that sympathy that La La Land was cleverly taking the tears of many audiences..

The incomplete love of Mia and Sebastian made me realize that there is no way we can have perfect love and successful careers when we are still on the path of affirmation.

Maybe the first movie is very romantic. It tells us about a passionate love, dating as a dream. Who never thought of kissing his lover in the cinema, flying through the galaxy and dancing on stars. It makes me smile and in the throes of the sound of happiness.

However, in the second half of the film, the reality is very clear. Mia or Seb or me, knows that life always has irrevocable priorities. To a certain landmark, we can not live like stray stars in a large city, we are forced to find our priorities.

We have to choose between love and career. We even have to learn to sacrifice ourselves to achieve our goal. In our young years, when we have nothing in our hands, we can never be able to fully grasp both our love and our career, even if we so desire.

I know a sister who is my brother's friend. Just last week, she broke up with her lover for nearly four years on the grounds of "concentrating her career development." She chose work instead of love. She is a rational and powerful man. But it is also somewhat cold. I have never met a girl who could easily give up love to pursue a career, until I met Mia.

I know why La La Land received so much praise. Because it is so. It portrays the righteousness of young people in the midst of two difficult choices:

Roses or bread? Love or career?

At the beginning, we may devote ourselves to cultivating love and encouraging each other to overcome the thorns in our work. But look at Mia and Seb, when poor musicians start joining a band, he has to ignore his love even though he does not want to be in his heart.

There is no longer the time to eat a good meal, no messages sent and received, even to hear each other's voice every day becomes a luxury dream. When deciding to trade love for a career, we no longer know how to do the best we can. To be stable, to realize the dream.

And what about Mia? The young girl did not let her chance to Paris. Acting is passion, a dream, a way of life. Mia also exchanged love with Seb to start building the first brick for his career.

However, I do not blame any of them. When two people have nothing in their hands, they can not both love each other and try for a career. Choosing one of the two is something everyone must experience, especially when you have a dream and your own ambition..

Deciding how to choose is never an easy one. If you choose the right one according to your priorities, it will be regret for the rest. But if you give up your career to pursue love, it is painful for yourself. Sacrifice for the other person sometimes does not bring happiness to you as you think. After all, just do not regret your choice that you are very happy already.

When life forces us to make such difficult decisions, it is also when it helps us find our ego to live more real.

I do not know how many Mia out there, how many Sebastians, but I know very well that there are always "back" options. That is, at this point, you choose to listen to reason, to give up love to pursue passion.

Mia chose to give up permanently. Five years later, the young girl is truly successful, becoming a popular actress, and the man beside her is not Seb at the moment. Mia did not choose to come back. But Seb does. It was he who pursued his career before Mia, but he himself was the one waiting for Mia years. The jazz artist made me feel sorry and pity when their stories were told in a different way through his crooked keys.

Our life is too, as if we can meet when the cause is done, there is nothing to force us to choose love or work. But there is so much to do. It's just that we choose to "turn around" at the beginning or not.

When we are young, we can not have both love and care. But when we had one of them, the other had vanished.

That is called regret....
The story of Mia and Seb is just like me .. I do not know what to choose between love and study .. You can read my previous post I write about my sadness and choice.
I hope my article has good content, I expect people to read and like it .. Today I write this blog from my feelings and emotions

By: @a-alice

Thank for reading ❤️

I'm not a good blogger, what I bring to people is my thoughts on life!

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