World's 50 Best Restaurants for 2018 Announced

Foodies rejoice! Yesterday in Bilbao, Spain, the World's 50 Best Restaurants announced the eagerly awaited Top 50 Restaurants list for 2018.


Check out the winners here:

While I can say with absolute certainty that I will never, ever eat at most of these places, it is always fun to check out the list for nearby restaurants. In our case nearby means Bangkok, where @suitcasemama and I are based. The list heavily favors European restaurants, so only two restaurants from Thailand, Gaggan and Nahm, made the list this year.

And this year I'm happy to announce that we've been to a grand total of exactly...(insert drum-roll) eateries on the list. Ah man! Zero restaurants equal zero bragging rights!

But wait! What if we move on to the Top 50 Restaurants in Asia sub-list?


Why yes! @suitcasemama and I have been to a few in Bangkok! Look how cool and well cultured we are! Marvel at our ability to read a list, find restaurants, and eat!

We've been to #33 - Eat Me.

Our review? Meh. Okay, I guess. A literal guess actually, because we both don't really remember much from the meal except for the paintings on the wall.

Same goes for #37 - Bo.lan.

(Photo by @suitcasemama)

We went for lunch. Traditional, yummy Thai food. I think we remember it being good, but maybe a touch overrated.

In fairness to both Eat Me and Bo.lan - there's so much good food in Bangkok, unless it blows your socks off, it all kind of blends together. And some of the best food is so cheap that when you go to these fancy and pricey restaurant it had better be something special.

Speaking of special: #39 - Issaya Siamese Club

(Photo by @suitcasemama)

@suitcasemama and I love Issaya. It has become our go-to "special occasion" restaurant to celebrate an event or a visitor in town. It's in a lovely 100-year-old house and the set menu offers a ton of different, delicious, and memorable tastes. Quite expensive, but well worth it once in a while. We took my sister @silvertogold when she was in town - she said it was one of the best meals she's ever had - in her life. Enough said!

Pro tip: if the restaurant serves lunch, go for lunch! You'll usually get smaller portion, but it's the same food - and you'll pay much less.

Have you been to any of the eateries? Do you agree or disagree with the list?

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