@ReviewMe! I'm @crazybgadventure ≧◠‿◠≦✌
About Me:
My name is Crazybgadventure, originally born in Britain but now I live in Bulgaria in Europe.? My interests are varied, I have a keen interest in cooking, I have recently taken up knitting, which I am really enjoying, whilst i have not practiced for a long time I do have a belief in metaphysical studies such as new age beliefs, meditation, channelling, tarot.? The question what do I believe in is a broad subject for me, I don't believe in an existence called God, or Allah etc but believe that we derive from what is called source energy which we are all part of we are all true source energy but currently see ourselves in a physical sense.
I come from a customer service/banking background for over fifteen years, until after the recession in 2008 when I was made redundant in 2010. I always remember the bank saying when I got the job that the job would be for life, how wrong I was to believe that.
It was actually after the death of my dog Sam in 2011 who was put to sleep due to a freak accident that I started to resent the current work ethic, having worked over 40 hours a week and depriving him of time, I felt so guilty that I did not make his life the fullest that i decided to change things, and decided there and then that I would look to make a life changing move, which I did in 2017 moving to a new country, jobless and with a limited amount of earning.
Vidin Bulgaria:
Contact Info:
You can email me at dazb4t@gmail.com
I also have a you tube channel you can follow here
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっPlease review your experience interacting with me on steemit.com!
To #reviewme,
1. Copy the text next to the stars exactly as shown for the number of stars you want to give me!
2. Write your feedback/review about me in the comments below. Help me earn a thousand stars! (.)/"
Note: Quality reviews can help others learn more about @crazybgadventure and in return, earn upvotes.
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Dear Readers,
I would personally like to thank you in advance for your review, as open and honest as you have placed it, this helps me to continue to try to better myself and improve on my skills.
it is a pleasure knowing you and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Be Blessed