The Art Of War by: Sun Tzu Review Part 1 Laying Plans

Hello Everyone,

               Hopefully for a series of 13 days where I have free time, I will be posting each of the 13 sections of the Art of war with commentary. I read this 3 years ago in 6th grade, and I'm deciding to read it again, and this time post commentary. The Art of War is not only helpful on the battlefield, but also in every day life. Here is the first section. (Please note I typed everything from the book myself and did not copy from any online sources).

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Art of War original text

cmp2020 commentary

Laying Plans

1. Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State.

War is what makes the state thrive.

2. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

War cannot be forgotten and is a safe haven for those who know how to use it. If it is forgotten eventually the state will fall.

3. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.
4. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3)Earth; (4) The commander (5) Method and discipline.

It is important to always make judgements and decisions based on first one's common sense, then one's obstacles, then the lengths one will go to achieve, then the advice of those who outrank one, and lastly to one's ability to give ideas, and have the discipline to compromise. These will be described further in the following texts.

5, 6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

If the leader and his people share the same common sense, his people will fight and protect him and what he believes in. (Real world example: if a boss works hard he can expect his men to work hard as he has shown them he lives by the same rules as them).

7. Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons.

Before making decisions you should take into account what your obstacles are so that you and your followers may succeed. (A real world example, one must decide if time is an issue when deciding to write an art of war review).

8. Earth compromises the distances, great and small, danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death.

How far are you willing to go to achieve what you desire? Are there obstacles? Will you likely overcome them? (A real world example: Are you willing to go to the gym everyday to get fit, or are you just dreaming? Will you put in the time?)

9. The commander stands for virtues of wisdom, sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness.

Make sure to see the problem from all angles before striking. (Real world example: When your dad eats the last pop tart, don't confront him for it, think about it maybe he was hungry).

10. By Method and discipline are to be understood the marshaling of the army in its proper subdivisions, the graduations of rank among the officers, the maintenance of roads by which supplies may reach the army, and control of military expenditure.

Understand you do have other people who outrank you, take advice it's free. Note that every decision you make should be for the good of the group, not one's own benefit. (Real world example: In soccer pass the ball to your teammates it does no one any good to try to show off then lose the ball because someone on the other team is better than you).

11. These five heads should be familiar to every general: he who knows them will be victorious; he who knows them not will fail.

All those who outrank you must know these principals and act in the same manner those who do not outrank them do. This causes trust amongst the ranks, and will lead to victory. But those who believe they know best will lose trust amongst the ranks and fail. (Real world example: You do not start out as a powerful boss, but rather a common employee. Once you demonstrate that you know the rules and ideals of the common employee you are promoted up the ranks until eventually you understand everyone's perspective as the boss and can make decisions accordingly).

12. Therefore, in your deliberations, when seeking to determine the military conditions, let them be made the basis of a comparison in this wise:- 
13. (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with Moral Law? (2) Which of the two generals has most ability? (3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth? (4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced? (5) Which army is stronger? (6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained? (7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?

When seeking to pick between two decisions think Which one embraces common sense more clearly? Which shows the most skill and ability and will reflect upon my ability to chose? Which idea has less obstacles and requires me to go to less lengths to achieve a better reward? Which idea shows discipline? Which idea is more strongly founded? Which side shows greater skill? Which idea has a balance between justice and prosperity? (Real world example: Picking between practicing piano and writing a review on the Art of War).

14. By means of these seven considerations I can fore cast victory or defeat.

After considering these things, I can tell which idea foreshadows the results I want.

15. The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts upon it, will conquer:-let such a one be retained in command! The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it, will suffer defeat:- let such a one be dismissed!

If the idea welcomes who I am and what I stand for I should embrace it. If the idea goes against my views and better judgement I should cast it away. (Real world examples: Not using drugs or using drugs).

16. While heading the profit of my counsel, avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances over and beyond the ordinary rules.

While deciding think of the background of the choices and similar decisions you've already made. (Real world example: You wanna have a kid. Is the relationship you have with your spouse strong? Are you financially stable enough to have a kid)?

17. According as circumstances are favorable, one should modify one's plans.

Adapt the choice you've chosen, if you like the idea so far, think of ways to improve it further. (Real world example: You decide to start a business, you taste immediate success, expand, take educated risks. Don't gamble with the money you earn though).

18. All warfare is based on deception

In order to succeed you must use some form of deception to trick those who stand against you.

19. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away; we must make him believe we our near.

Try to seem one way, then act another. It makes you less predictable. (Real world example: Seem like you're excited about doing your chores, even though you're not, it will make your loved ones happier).

20. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.

Don't show your full capability. Demonstrate your fundamentals but hide your skills and abilities. Your opponent will be surprised and disoriented when you decide to demonstrate your capability. 

21. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. 

If you see strengths, find weaknesses. Don't always engage, for wit is stronger than might.

22. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.

Find your opponents weakness and use it against them. If they think you are weak, they will grow impatient and not think things through. (Real world example: any tactical move in chess).

23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.

Divide and conquer, if they take their time don't let them rest.

24. Attack him when he is unprepared, appear when you are not expected.

Don't abide by any pattern, set your opponents off balance, then tip them.

25. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged before hand.

Don't give away your secrets.

26. Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but a few calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all! It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose.

You can never be too prepared. Whoever is more prepared generally wins. (Real world example: Every NFL player knows basic football plays and practices for hours a day just for an hour long game).

Thank you for reading this! It took a lot more time to make than I expected. Please show support if you want to see the next part Waging War.

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