Why Steemit is so important and even REVOLUTIONARY

We live in a world with seemingly endless problems...


Rather than complain about those problems, I have dedicated my life to creating solutions and have enjoyed great success in doing so.


Even so, I want to start this post by identifying the major problems that make Steemit an important solution and even revolutionary.

I see myself as an activist, visionary, and revolutionary.

I have been committed to this for 12 years now--I founded the organization with the lowest carbon footprint in the country--and have invested tens of thousands of hours into sharing real solutions for real problems. (More about me in another post.)


I have tried blogs, websites, books, workshops, boots-on-the-ground outreach, and of course social media. Although I have deeply affected many and reached thousands more, I have been censored and even attacked the whole way.

Because fulfilling my purpose is paramount, I have no regrets. Money is obviously not the most important thing in my life, but the truth is:

I have very little money to show for my extensive contributions.


I don't invest much time in writing any more, not even in responses to comments on social media (let alone investing hours in a well done article!) for 3 main reasons:

#1 I was not aware of a platform that was worth my time due to major censorship/control/trolling and/or lack of quality exposure.

#2 Fair compensation for the value of my time and contributions was non-existent.

#3 There is very rarely a project or person that is doing something that inspires me to use my time to write about how extraordinarily amazing it is.


Finally there is an alternative to the mega-corporate, agenda-controlled social media platforms that censor anything close to revolutionary posts, and steal ALL your content for THEIR profit, while simultaneously having to deal with haters, trolls, and arguing!


Private blogs & websites cost money and time to use and maintain without providing a quality community to tap into, thus requiring an established fame or advertising budget to reach people.

But wait, there's more!!!!!!

Steemit has not only provided a community of people for interfacing and content sharing, but they have provided that without corporate or political censorship AND it's free AND you actually get fairly compensated for your time/energy investment!

BUT WAIT AGAIN--there's even MORE!

Steemit has provided all of this with an alternative to fiat currency.


This. Is. HUGE!

With Steemit, you can spend your time posting, upvoting (liking), and commenting on things that are important to you, and you get paid--not in a piece of paper with no real value (that could be lost, stolen, or lose its value at any time), but instead in a safe and stable cryptocurrency called "Steem" (more on this in my upcoming posts).


Now, you might say, "Well, I can't buy my groceries with a cryptocurrency no one has heard of, but I can with that fiat shit!"...but that would be inaccurate.

Steemit actually allows you to change that "Steem" into bitcoin and then into good old fiat cash. Yes, that's right--you can convert STEEM into whatever currency you want!

(Remember, you get paid NOTHING for using Facebook, so even a few cents is FAR more than you have ever made on other social media platforms!)

You can then invest not only more time but also "STEEM" to make even more "STEEM" (more about this in following posts!). You can continue to invest, multiplying/compounding that STEEM with a secure wallet that can be converted to a fiat currency anytime you wish, and simultaneously be protected from the many limitations of paper money.


You can do all of this while supporting a NEW economy with NEW values!


It's almost too hard to believe!

How could something so awesome be real?

It's almost too good to be true.......

To be honest, I still have my doubts that it's possible... To be so abundantly compensated for simply using social media (which most of us do anyway)?? Yes, it's hard to believe and no I am not saying Steemit is perfect nor that is has no problems. Yet what is perfect? This is also part of life and part of why I am excited to be a part of this community. I have the option to go all in with what is obviously the most beneficial platform out there right now and dedicate my self to making it BETTER! Besides...Thats what I do anyways. I will be contributing valuable content and WE TOGETHER will continue to improve this platform just like the world, to be the BEST it can be!

Yet it IS happening now,

and I have seen it with my own eyes!

This post is ALIVE right now,

and WE are deciding the value,

and WE are getting compensated TOGETHER,

while having a GREAT time!

WE have the POWER to make this a SUCCESS!!!


What I am saying here is that we have a platform available to US for FREE, that already has an engaged tapped-in community, that doesn't censor, where WE decide what's valuable or not, and WE actually get PAID for creating content, upvoting (liking) content, and even making comments on the post WE are creating, reading, and commenting on ANYWAY.

So, yes this is IMPORTANT!

YES, I am inspired!

And yes, this could be REVOLUTIONARY!

It all comes down to us... what is important to us?? What do WE want???

The revolution begins within.


Now of course, revolutionary is a big and powerful word, and I am not going to argue that it will be that on a world-scale or to everyone. However, I can say that for ME, it IS! For US it CAN BE!!!

Because now I am re-inspired to invest valuable time in providing important content to a cutting-edge community that is BEING a part of the change!

So, yes--none of us know what's going to happen, and NO it's not Facebook, but thank EVERYTHING there is to THANK that it's NOT Facebook!


It's something NEW, something IMPORTANT, and yes something REVOLUTIONARY!


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