The Rich Set Goals, Not Wishes

The successful expect to be rich, they don't wish or hope they expect to successful. You get the mindset in this philosophy, it's the way we think and act and setting goals that will be reached. For example, the poor play the lottery wishing or hoping one day with their chances of millions to one odds of winning they might be lucky, on the other hand the rich and wealthy don't rely on luck and definitely don't waste their hard earned money on such fantasy. Hoping in itself is a negative way of thinking, realistically knowing that you will probably never win the lottery and keep dreaming. As for a wish, conjures up memories of the gene in the bottle were as you're granted three wishes which is great for the movies and make believe land but far removed from the thinking of a successful businessman or woman.

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There is a internationally recognized authority on habits and wealth creation called Tom Corley and he did a study collecting data and came to a few of these conclusions i will mention some below:

70% of wealthy people eat less than 300 junk food calories per day, 97% of poor people eat more than 300 junk food calories per day. (I have always eaten a healthy diet with a bit of junk thrown in, feeling healthier is better for the mind which also reduces laziness).

80% of wealthy people are focused on accomplishing some single goal. Not surprisingly 12% of poor people only do this. (I recently set a goal of not drinking for 1 month, i completed this quite easily as i'm not a big drinker or drink daily but enjoy a beer or two with friends and sometimes partial to many rum & cokes. As of now i also quit drinking coke and after three months now i don't drink anymore. your mind is a powerful thing and self control and set goals are positive attitudes that will benefit us in the future).


81% of wealthy people focus on a to-do list, only 19% of the poor. (I suggest out of the poor list some of the items on the list are very important and not the general daily stuff we do consciously).

88% of wealthy people read for 30 minutes or more each day for educational or career reasons against 2% for poor. (This one is very important and proves why successful people attain their success, reading is knowledge and improves your chances against people who dismiss or are lacking in knowledge. Learning more in your business or trade will undoubtedly increase avenues in the circles you work in).

6% of wealthy people watch reality TV and a rather conclusive 78% for the poor people unfortunately. (The mindset of people who regularly just repose on the sofa, munching away on some unhealthy snacks all evening watching this drivel are not the type of people who strive to be successful, it doesn't make them bad people it's a choice that reflects on their lifestyle and probably their average income. I don't judge people but there are better things to do in our lives even after a very hard days work. But each to their own and the wealthy among us rarely visit these programmes and channel switching for hours on end.

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So take a good look at the data presented and surmise for yourselves what makes certain people attain a luxury lifestyle of a better standard of living. There are pro's and cons for been rich or poor, been rich can create stress of managing a big business, looking after employees etc and been poor can be less stressful because of not having to worry about work as much as it's not your business as long as you can keep your job and pay your bills. If the poor are happy enough just to relax, watching tv, sport, soaps after working hard for many hours then that is for them. Not all business owners are rich and struggle too, but you get my drift. I would personally prefer to have more wealth than struggle day to day to pay for food, rent and other necessities as most of us would but it's the mindset that creates wealthy people who earn an honest income.

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