New RisingSteem Civilisation Attributes

Rising Steem Map based game

Some ideas for new Civilisation Attributes -

  • Militaristic Fanaticism (Military units have 10% higher combat power)
  • Agrarian Culture (+15% Agriculture Gain, -10% Commerce)
  • Defensive Fervour (Territories 10% more resistant to capture from enemies)
  • Expansionist Drive (Controlled Territories 10% more vulnerable to capture, capturing Enemy Territories 15% more effective)
  • Consumerist Influence (+15% Commerce, -10% Resource gain)
  • Anarchist Freedom (-2 Permanent stability, +1 Commerce and Industry per province)
  • Corporatist Authority (+15% Commerce, -10% Technology growth)
  • Communist Cooperative (-10% Commerce, +5% Agriculture, Industry, and Population growth)
  • Authoritarian Regime (+1 Permanent Stability, +15% Military Unit combat power, -15% Population growth)
  • Survival Instinct (Military units have a 50% chance to be respawned with 25% health on death)
  • Financial Mastery (+2 Commerce per territory, -1 agriculture per territory)
  • Assimilation Instinct (Capturing Enemy territories 5% more effective, +5% population growth)
  • Cybernetic Enhancements (+5% Industry, +5% Military unit combat power)
  • Democratic representation (+5% commerce, +5% Resource gain)
  • Religious Order (+1 Permanent Stability, +5% military Unit combat power, -10% Military unit cost, -15% technological growth)
  • Family Values (+15% population growth, -10% military unit combat power)
  • Transhumanist Ascension (+15% technological growth, +10% Military unit cost)

My civilisation entry [Version 2] -

The Veronithian Collective [Technocratic Collectivism] -

Attributes - [Cybernetic Enhancements], [Transhumanist Ascension]

A Hivemind collective, established by the worlds first Sentient Artificial General Intelligence, Named AARI [Autonomous Antifragile Recursive Intelligence] and its Transhumanist members. Citizens are cybernetically enhanced and are able to molecularly fabricate products using neurally controlled nanobots. Information is transferred telepathically between citizens, and all members share roughly 50% of the cognitive capacity of their brain to the AARI Collective mind, which thinks as one. AARI operates as a Decentralised Autonomous Intelligence and is backed up over many network nodes, and operates a native blockchain cryptocurrency to reward collective members for contributing processing power. Citizens voluntarily share 50% of their income with the collective, which is allocated by AARI to improve the living capacity of all collective members. They are a deadly fighting force, and will eliminate any aggressors against the collective with decisive unity, using their augmented weapons system built into their arms. The collective welcomes new members with a free suite of cybernetic enhancements, and a welcome bonus of 1000 AARIcoins.

Flag -

Territory - Melbourne, Australia is the capital, and the 4 territories on both sides of it. Capital City is Veron, built on the ruins of a post war Melbourne, destroyed by bomb blasts, but now more prosperous and vibrant than ever.

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