A Role Model Steemian – An Open Letter to Eric to consider @sharoonyasir for his Delegation

Hi Eric,
I hope you are doing well. I am writing this short post trying to convince you to consider a wonderful person for your 500 SP delegation and I am confident that I’ll achieve my objective. This Post will have four sections.

  1. About Myself
  2. About @sharoonyasir and is she a Role Model Steemian
  3. Why I want you to delegate your SP to @sharoonyasir
  4. Plan

First thing first, let me tell you about myself.

About Myself

My name is Ghulam Mujtaba, joined steemit 20th June, 2017. Thought of making some quick bucks but then realized that the game is different. Since then, I have been writing about myself, life and recently, I have started working on some coding stuff and busy in submitting my contributions to @utopian-io. Though most people who are submitting their contributions to @utopian-io don’t engage with some wonderful people here on Steemit but I think differently. I try to comment and write two or three posts other than my @utopian-io posts but since I have 3:00 PM - 12:00 AM job as well, I am in a state of try try again!

Okay, that’s it. Let’s come to the point!

I wrote a post about something very bad happened in my country and was depressed, cried too that day! Then I opened my laptop and wrote a post about a project I wanted to start regarding that incident happened. You first have to read that post before you read this one further.
Here is the post: A Little Angel Was Raped, Murdered And Her Body Was Found From A Garbage Pile - Humanity Failed Again!

Done reading? Okay, let’s continue.

As expected, I didn’t get any positive response/replies/feedbacks/comments regarding the project I wanted to start but on 01-13-2018 at 1:47 PM PST (Pakistan Standard Time), I received a message from @sharoonyasir I am in for that anti rape plan.
I smiled with a little happiness, atleast someone on this planet replied and ready to help me start that project! So I started thinking how we can initiate this project!

About @sharoonyasir and is she a Role Model Steemian

I found this wonderful lady through Steemit, she is from my country and met her as well along with @beingnaveed twice. Let me copy paste an abstract I wrote about her in one of my posts:

If you're a good reader and want to go through some good stuff on Steemit, then this lady is here @sharoonyasir!

We first interacted with each other about two months ago and since then, we have been in touch via whatsapp and this platform. As soon as I met her in person along with @beingnaveed, I started believing that this lady has some supernatural powers. Believing in herself without "Ifs" and "Buts", positive approach in almost every aspect of life and motivating others are some of the qualities that I would like to mention here. I'm still trying to understand this gem more but now let's come to the point.
Being a mother of a beautiful boy and a full-time house wife, it's difficult to do something what you want to do in your life but she has been working consistently to achieve her goals from a long time along with this routine.

• Wakes up at 7:00 AM
• Prepare breakfast, get her son ready and take him to school
• Go for a morning walk and Yoga
• Preparing breakfast for her husband
• Working straight for 3 hours (Steemit + Outside Steemit client's work)
• Preparing lunch
• Pick her son and spends the rest of time with him till 8:00 PM.
• And afterwards, does some household chores

@steemcleaners, this abstract is from my own post!

She is a part of the ecotrain whose ethos is to make this world a better place and has written several posts under the @ecotrain tag.

She has written several posts for @steemiteducation and helps to improve the different areas of life in any way possible. She is also a part of the @thealliance, steemitbloggers and @steemengine and has written several posts under these respective tag and interacts with members of these communities regularly.

Eric, you can go through her latest posts and decide yourself if said anything wrong/stupid!

Now let’s decide if she is a good Steemian

  • Is not permanently Powering down - nothing wrong with powering down a few weeks if you need money, but permanently powering down means you don´t trust the platform and are not very committed to Steemit.
  • - Checked
  • Posts original and quality content - quality is subjective, but we all have a certain standard.
  • - Checked
  • Cites sources whenever part of the content does not belong to her/him.
  • - Checked
  • Tries to reply to the comments on his/her posts (I have to do this more often, bad Eric)
  • - Checked
  • Comments on other people´s posts and gives some feedback to the author.
  • - Checked
  • Does not selfvote more than once a day.
  • - Checked
  • Does not use bidbots to get votes - nothing wrong to use them once in a while to boost a good post or to promote an initiative or project, but come on, not on every post.
  • - Checked
  • Spreads his/her votes as wide as he/she can within their SP posibilities.
  • - Checked
  • Hangs out in some chat channels regularly.
  • - Checked
  • Approves at least 10 witnesses (30 would be better but well).
  • - Checked

And one thing I am cent percent sure, her primary objective isn't to earn money, she's here just because she loves writing and believe me she’s fantastic when it comes to expressing herself through words.

Have a look at her blog!

Why I want you to delegate your SP to @sharoonyasir

Eric, there is a philosophy behind it. Let me try to explain it.

So I guess I am a good player in the planning game only, I thought of starting several projects outside of Steemit but I haven’t been consistent in my life. Yes yes, I am trying hard to focus and be consistent with whatever I do in my life but for this project, I want somebody to take the lead role, someone who is consistent. Yes, I will be helping her in other ways but I am not a kind of guy who can give a clear picture to his audience about his thoughts via words. On the other hand, @sharoonyasir is the only one here on Steemit that can help me start and then further expand this project.


So in this final section, I will explain my plan in detail.
@sharoonyasir current SP is 309, adding your will make it 809 and the value of her upvote would be around $0.26. Okay, that’s not bad. Let me further divide this section into three phases

Phase 1

At first, we will invite and request some Steemians to write about this topic along with @sharoonyasir, people who write about psychology, human behaviors and stuff like that. A special tag will be used by all the authors #saveyourchild for this project. We will be upvoting each and every post + 2 SBDs from my account.


Once we both have more than 1000 SP each, we will start a weekly contest, giving the community a specific topic related to this project and the winner would receive our tiny upvotes plus 10SBDs from my account. To be honest, we aren’t expecting any huge support from whales/dolphins for this project like they normally do for other Steem applications, so the pace of this project would be slow.

Once @sharoonyasir and I become a dolphin/whale and if we start earning enough money from this platform, I will donate half of my steemit earnings to this project. With this money, we will engage and attract more people towards this project and may be, we hire some Steemians for this project just like @utopian-io but yes, there is a long way to go!

So that’s it, Eric!
That’s my project, not a fancy one but it might save a lot of children’s lives!


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