Allergies on the Run Don't Stop Me #runforsteem

Today I was feeling great & headed out for a run. About one mile in (total run time of 29:35), that familiar tickle in the back of my throat started up. That for me, an asthmatic of 17 years, is the sign of an incoming asthma attack. Despite the fact I have technically had asthma for quite sometime, I have gone through periods of which it was dormant and did not require medication. I'm thinking it has something to do with this new climate I am in and all those fragrant flowering trees!

I will be speaking with my new doctor about this on Monday because this attack lasted at least 20 minutes.

After the attack was under control, I did 15 reps x 4 of pushups & despite the attack, today I noticed some slight improvement in my pushup form which is huge because I typically lament how slow it's been for me to improve the pushups; which if done correctly are an overall workout for the abdominals, gluts, etc.

Afterwards, I indulged in this delicious 100% juice beverage.
It contains 3 & 1/3 apples, 1 banana, 27 blueberries, and 3 blueberries. Delicious!

This will suffice for my #runforsteem posting initiated by @jumowa. Check his post below for all the rules:

Another thing I will mention that I haven't really before is that I try to always stretch after each run. Surprisingly, a lot of runners don't. I always make sure to hit the following groups: calves, gluts, hams, quads, IT band, piriformis, hip adductors (inner thighs), & ankle everters (muscles on the outside of the calf.) If you have questions about any of these stretches or think I missed one, please drop a line in the comments.

Thanks for reading & happy trails! (or roads, lol)

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