Running Report for #runforsteem: 4/4 Workout: 2.10mi Run, 70x2 LW's + 15x4 PU's. AND Supplement Tip

Greetings my steem runners! Yesterday, was a short, low intensity run of which was purposefully done that way so I could get a lunge & pushup workout in conjunction with the run and maximize the gains from that portion of it. I did 2.10 miles running total.
My header photo is to illustrate how WINDY it was!! At times I felt the wind was helping me run faster but not helping me do my lunge walks. Lol.

So anyway, I stopped at this little park area about 1.5mi. in for the LW's (lunge walks) & PU's (pushups.)
The area where the red arrow is indicates that I continued lunge walking around this section. I did 70×2, so I lunge walked out for a count of 70 & likewise on the way back for a total of 140. VERY slight uphill gradient on the red arrow portion, which makes this an even better workout. This time I noticed my step through on these lunges was much more fluid indicating improved stability (despite the wind.)
^^ Those are from a georgous flowering bush I encountered yesterday during my workout.

After the LW's, I did 15reps x 4sets of pushups on this grassy spot that has also a VERY slight uphill gradient to it which changes the dynamics of the pushup due to the effects gravity has.
My pushup form is getting better!! As recent as only two years ago, I could not do a real pushup, correctly. I still have difficulty lowering completely. So one could argue I am still not doing them "correctly." But, I am doing them to the best of my ability and keeping good "plank" form during the exercise. Of the 15x4, I did one set of diamond pushups. Whew, hard!!
The above picture is for illustrative purposes only in case you weren't sure what a diamond pushup was. It is not my photo!!

I indicated a supplement tip in my title & that would be I do highly recommend taking glucosamine chondroitin.
I started it when I began having bone and joint pains in my early 20s. It helped a lot. Then I stopped using it and had no problems for many years.

Glucasomine is formed naturally in the body. Taking it as a supplement operates off the premise that it can help strengthen cartilage and bone componentry. It is the precursor substance for biosynthesis of cartilage regeneration or pre-existing cartilagenous maintenance.

I was having troubling left knee pain and since I started back supplementing with glucosamine chondroitin about two months ago, it has dissipated!

Today, I thought I might be sore from the lunges, but instead it's my pecs, biceps, triceps, forearms, wrists, & shoulders from the pushups.

DISCLAIMER: The info I've placed here about GC supplementation is considered common knowledge to many. For me it is based off years of research and my college degree in Exercise Science. In any case, you should do your own research before starting any supplement.

This post will serve as my weekly #runforsteem report as initiated by a totally rad steemian @jumowa that you should check out. Herez the post with all the rulez for participating in #runforsteem:

Alright, have a great day, thanks for reading, comments are always welcome, and stay well!!
(My footer banner is an artistic collaboration betwixt myself & @freebeerfridays)

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