Double Workout (#runforsteem challenge post)

This is my #runforsteem post for Weekly Run for Steem Challenge Apr 4th - Apr 11th & Payout For Last Week. Check out @junowa’s post to join.

This happens every year. I am totally committed to running The Broad Street Run 10-miler every May, but with my spring track coaching job starting on March 1, it is always my busiest time of year, and all my hopes and dreams of running under 1:16 (my pr) quickly go down the drain. But this year I am using my work commute and break between classes to maximize my training time, and although I’m definitely not going to break 1:16, I’m feeling like the race will be enjoyable. At this point, I will take that.


So on the day featured below I made it a brisk walk with some light jogging from the train station to my school. I forgot to hit Strava for that so no data to post, but after my first class I hit the stairs in the Mint Building. It is exactly 100 steps from the basement to the top floor. I’ve been doing the stairs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and keep adding one flight each day. So on this day I did 7 flights, with “sprints” on the 3rd and 4th. It makes for a fantastic 30 minute bout, but for some reason Strava dropped the time to 14 minutes.


Then it was off to teach my next class, and after some office time I did a 2.9 mile run from school to the Art Museum and then down the Schuylkill Banks Trail to Walnut Street. It’s a nice route, and drop in elevation to the river, or rather the climb back up, provides a nice punch near the end.

2.9 miles is nothing to be very proud of, but I have to say, I definitely felt the weight of those stairs in my legs.


In addition to #runforsteem be sure to check out @runningproject where I lead the The Running Project 5K Training Program, and basically hang out with the coolest runners on Steemit.

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