Run for Steem - Single Track Heaven

As I try to gradually move my mileage back up after my latest injury induced running break, the temps and humidity are starting to rise. The heat and humidity remind me how out of shape I’ve gotten. I went out Thursday evening in 94 degree temps and got my butt kicked. My two mile trail run with about 300 feet of elevation gain promptly turned into a run walk. But at least my hamstring felt good. Today’s temperature dropped back to 61 and overcast and it was a wonderful morning for a run. I ended my 2.5 miles this morning at this little creek and it was very relaxing doing my cooldown stretches with this bubbling little backdrop.



The humidity was nonexistent this morning and the trails were fairly empty. For me, there is nothing better than running on single track trails like the one in the photo below. It was very tempting to stay out longer but when I give into those temptations is usually when I injure myself.


I’m satisfied with the small bump up in mileage from last week and I hit my goals this week for intensity minutes on my Garmin fenix 3 sport watch. My plan (if I stick to it) is to build a solid base at 3 miles for the next two months before ramping up my distance. I’m great at planning, not always great on execution. Over the next couple of months I’m hoping to see my average heart rate continue to go down with the same distance and elevation change. If that happens, then I’ll start to step up the miles.


If you’re a road runner, I’d encourage you to find some dirt to run on. It is quite a different experience. Have a good week everyone.

This is my entry for @jumowa’s #runforsteem weekly challenge.



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