Weekly Run for Steem Challenge - Patapsco State Park Grist Mill and River Road Trails

Here’s my entry in @jumowa’s Weekly Run for Steem Challenge for Jan 7th - Jan 14th.


Cabin fever got the best of me today and so I bundled up and went out for a frosty run along the river in Patapsco State Park. Half of it used to be a paved trail, but I forgot that they had torn up part of the trail in order to start taking a 100 year old plus hydroelectric dam out of the river. The normal trailhead for the Grist Mill Trail is fenced off and I had to navigate over some barriers and find a way around the fence in order to get to what used to be the trail. The first half third of a mile was on the construction road to the right of the dam in the picture above. The frozen dam and river were too cool looking so I had to pause my run to get some photos.


Past the dam, I got to the what remains of the paved trail and headed downstream to the swinging bridge.




After crossing the bridge I headed back upriver on the other side. I got a closer shot of the frozen dam as I made my way up the River Road Trail.


The trail on this side past the dam was a little slow going, navigating some boulders and ice flows coming across the trail.


Luckily, being distracted by the sights made running in 21 degrees not as bad as I expected. I was surprised at the number of people out wandering in the park. I guess I wasn’t the only one with cabin fever.

Thanks to @jumowa for motivating me to get some exercise.



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