Run For Steem: Back to the Trail for 8 Miles

Hey guys!  I am back for my weekly #runforsteem post hosted by the gracious @jumowa.  I'm glad I made it out yesterday afternoon when it was nice out because it is dumping rain today!  Lots of rain in the forecast for the next week, so I might have to log some dreadmill miles coming up.

I am just about a month out from my first half this year, so I am trying to get up to at least a 10 or 11-mile long run before race day.  I felt like 8 was a good number for this week.  Usually the 7-8 mile mark is the sticking point for me.  That distance just feels tough to get through when I start ramping up my mileage again.  Once I get past there I start feeling good again.

Luckily I was able to make it down to the same trail I posted about a few weeks ago.  The nice scenery definitely helps, and it is easy to tack on extra miles as you start adding distance.  One of other benefits that helps me is that I can't cheat and try to short myself on my miles like I do if I run around my house.  This loop once you're out, you have to make it back!

I did purposely slow my pace down since I'm starting to get into the uncomfortable zone.  I have had that tendency in the past to want to keep the same pace even on my longer runs and I end up suffering for it.  The purpose of the long run is to get the mileage and endurance in, not train for speed.  It is a little easier running long with a friend because I know if we can still carry on a conversation then I am most likely at a good pace that is not too fast.  Unfortunately my running buddy and I seem to have conflicting schedules at the moment, so I get it in when I can!

I hope everyone else has a great running week!  Sending lots of positive energy in your direction. :)

See the latest #runforsteem post here:

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