Run For Steem: Putting in the Work!

Another week, another #runforsteem!  I took it easy last week after the race, so this week it is game on since the days are quickly ticking by before my next test of endurance. :)  It seems I am good company in kicking my own training game into gear.  I am quite motivated when I see a lot of the other folks around the Steemit world ramping up their training, as well!  Don't forget to check out @jumowa's challenge post to join #runforsteem and the @runningproject page to join in and get a little extra motivation yourself.

For my training this week I wanted to start throwing in speed intervals at the end of some of my longer runs.  I know I have the endurance to run 13.1 miles, but I really want to work on being able to maintain my pace on tired legs.  Up to this point I have mostly stuck with fairly easy longer runs with a little bit of play in working on a negative split or I've kept my speed work to separate sessions.  I have known for quite a while that if I want to get to the next level I really have to push myself a bit more in training, so no time like the present!

Looking at my Garmin data it looks like I did two separate runs, but I just stopped it after my first 5 miles so I could set the interval timer.  Since I was doing my intervals out on the streets it was easier to just set my clock so it would just beep at me when I needed to speed up or recover instead of trying to keep looking at my watch.  It is nice to be able to see the split times, as well.  This could easily be done on the track if you have access to one.

So after my 5 miles, I set my intervals to do 4x800 meters with a 2:30 recovery in between.  With my cool down that added on another 3 miles.  I wasn't sure how I would feel since I've never really done repeats like that at the end of a run, but it actually wasn't as terrible as I was expecting it to be. ;)  I managed to hit right at my goal pace (10k pace--or for me 8:00/mile) for all four intervals.  The last one was definitely tough to crank out.

I'm quite pleased with my effort for the day, so I rewarded myself with finally starting to read "Finding Ultra".  One of my clients let me borrow it after she finished with it.  I always enjoy relaxing with a good book, but it's also nice to get that little kick in the pants from reading about someone who is such an icon in the endurance world.  There are quite a few books I need to catch up on in the running genre.

I wish everyone else good health in your appropriately challenging physical endeavors this week! :)

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