Run For Steem: Quarter Mile Intervals in the Neighborhood

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I am pumped to join in on @jumowa's #runforsteem challenge for the second time this week.  Although I do really enjoy running, I had been having some motivation issues lately during this cold winter.  Having a little extra push by joining in on here has definitely given me a kick-start to get the routine going again!  The more the merrier, so check out the challenge post to join in for this week:

I hadn't planned on running Monday since I had worked out with some of my co-workers in the morning, but it turned out to be such a nice day I couldn't resist!  (We had worked mostly upper body with very little cardio, so I promise I didn't overtrain!)  It was a little chilly in the wind, but the sun definitely made up for it.  The weather forecast is a little hit or miss the rest of the week, so while I am trying to get my mileage in when I can instead of trying to follow a rigid training protocol.

I try to throw in at least one day of speed work a week.  Since I felt good after getting a massage and cupping on Friday, as well as a chiropractic adjustment Monday morning, I decided to get my intervals in for this run.  I also didn't want to go for a long run after already working out earlier.  You can see on my times that I was not completely consistent, but that was mostly due to my neighborhood being fairly hilly.  I used the interval timer on my Garmin and just tried to run within the prescribed distance according to my rate of perceived exertion instead of focusing on my speed.  I did 8 x .25 miles with a 90-second rest in between where I just ran slower to recover.

I felt great on this run again, especially after getting my hips and low back worked on.  I know I will have some ugly runs here and there in my training, but if the majority feel like this then I am a happy runner!

Wishing everyone fast and light steps on your runs this week!

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