Road to the half: Singin' in the rain…

'Good Friday' run update! En route to the half-marathon of Madrid

So, a little of the ol' precipitation in the air this morning. I didn't realise until I got out the door and almost turned back round. In fact, I did turn back round with the 'I'll do it tomorrow' thinking, but then got my lazy bum into gear and went out after all!

It was still dark (about 7am) and not particularly inviting. To be honest, there wasn't that much rain but just enough to put me off. But I had come this far and the forecast was actually ok, so hopefully this should pass. Hopefully ;). Tomorrow could be the same story for all I know. 

Back to my 'new' park to give it another run around. I had it pretty much to myself, I only saw a couple of people the whole time, and no-one else running until the end where I saw some chap limbering up. 

I stuck with the plan and did 3 laps in the opposite direction of Wednesday. I also did an extra bit where I went off on a weird wander before getting back on track. 

I've been selling myself a bit short I think on distances. As mentioned, I don't have my phone or any apps or gadgets with me, so just going with the flow for now. I did check on Google maps yesterday the kind of distances I've been running. My initial efforts around the first park (which is currently closed) is about 7.5k for 2 laps around the inside track I was running. 2 full laps around the outside is about 9k as you have to go a bit wider following the road at one point. This other park is about 3.3k circumference, so I'm practically hitting a 10k with my 3 laps! I'm not 100% sure about that but I was estimating a little low either way. 

I found today to be fairly easy so I'm definitely improving. I'll be looking at 4 laps for my next couple of runs which will be about right. I don't need to do the full distance until the race itself and this is enough to get me to where I need to be for a solid time and hopefully avoid injury (first priority is making it to the start line!). 

My only concern right now is a twinge in my left foot. The knees seem ok… I can feel them but a bit of rest should be fine. The foot I felt when I got home… I'm hoping it's nothing to worry about and will go with a little rest and time. If it's any more serious then that would obviously put the whole thing in jeopardy. I have the weekend to recover. 

Next run Monday, then Thursday… and Sunday is lift-off! :D

Happy Easter!

~ Adam


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