How I started to run or can a workaholic and sedentary couch potato become a marathon runner?

Before I started to run, I was a workaholic in financial corporation and a couch potato at home. I was in no fitness shape and I was tired all the time. I was not happy with my life but I did not know any better at the time. What I did know was that I will have to change something... Even though my life did not mirror it, I was always curious about ways to be more active and healthy... (This is me now: active and healthy.)
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Years ago I tried many things on area of healthy eating and recreational sports but nothing stuck with me. Sooner or later I was in front of TV eating sweet or salty junk, which felt like the right comfort after working long hours…
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When I was growing up, marathon running was just starting as organised sport, and it was commonly considered that marathons are for a few enthusiasts and weirdos. I don't know why, but I was always drawn to all information about marathon running and I can still very vividly remember my feelings about marathon run through my home town many years ago. I watched the runners with admiration (with no hope that I would ever be able to be one of them). I also noticed that women were not common on marathons. This puzzled me and I think also provoked me to be one of the women who will change this pattern some day.
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All these impressions were waiting to mature in realisation and decision that I want to be a runner. Maybe even a marathon runner. My running path started very unexpectedly. I was on 3-months long work related education and training in Belgium. That was challenging time for my personal and professional life and I felt that these 3 months could be a good milestone in my life. I hoped that these 3 months are opportunity for me to make a clean slate. And then I will be able to return back home healed and in better physical and emotional shape. And this is what happened during those 3 months…
In first weeks of my staying there I noticed a poster announcing 20 km run through Brussels. It was end of February and the run was scheduled for 25th May. It just clicked in my head: this is it. I am going to run this run! Even though I was at zero fitness level, I made this very firm decision. It changed the rest of my life - I can tell that now.
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After initial enthusiasm questions started to pop up:

  • When to find the time for regular trainings is you work more or less the whole day?
  • Can a sedentary person train for 20 kilometres run in 2,5 months?
  • Is this even healthy?

My only answer was:

  • One can never know until he/she tries. And so the journey started...

My working hours were from 9 am till 5 pm. I knew myself well enough not to plan training after work (I knew I would be tired and unmotivated). The only other alternative was to do the training runs prior to work. I had to wake up at 5, to be on running track at stadium at 5.30 and to finish my run and prepare for work by 8, when I had to step on my bus.
This is what I was doing for 2,5 months. I created unimaginable routine for (previous version of) me: waking early, training and then doing the rest of “normal” day. Was it difficult? Yes and no. There were days (mornings) when I really did not want to go out (it was cold, maybe rainy or I was really sleepy) and excuses started to appear in my mind… But I drank my coffee and went for a morning run!
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There were also some funny and unusual moments... I remember two:

  • One morning I locked myself out of my hotel apartment and could not go back it to dress for work. We worked it out with the hotel employee, so I managed to get into my room in time to catch the bus for work.
  • Another morning there was funny situation at running track on stadium when at 5.30 a.m. (it was dark) I ran into another early morning runner and we both screamed out of surprise that somebody else is on running track so early.
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All in all it was one of the happiest and most hopeful periods of my life till that point in time! I felt so strong and capable even on days when muscles were sore from the training. I was so proud and happy!
On 25th of May 2003 I was one of the 22.500 runners. I was on the slow side of the crowd (my time was 2 hours and 10 minutes), but I did it and I was really proud at myself! I still am, because as I wrote above: regular running made me a better person on so many levels!

I was hooked and I love running every day, week, month and year since then. In 2007 I ran my first full marathon (42 km) in New York. And now I am regularly running marathons (next one will be my 10th full marathon) and I also became daily streak runner.
If you liked this story, thank you for upvoting it! And please follow me if you would like to read further stories about #marathons and #dailyrunning. Here is picture of me running one of beautiful summer morning runs.
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Thank you for reading! I am curious about your triggers for running. How you started to run? What were/are your obstacles, victories and funny stories? I am also willing and happy to answer any questions regarding how to start a running habit. Looking forward to your comments and questions!

Sources for pictures:
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