[Marathon Blog 7] Set the Flywheel in Motion (the importance of consistency) + some shit I have never ever done before but am doing now.

This pic is, of course, not meant to be flattering, and I never in a thousand years thought I would be one of "those people" who post lame ass "body progress" pics online nobody else cares about. BUT. I kind of want to see what happens, and to view this whole process as if it were an RPG, and this is just the dude I am playing the game with. I want to see and document the progress. Looks like this guy's posture is kind of crooked, too. Let's see how much flab falls off and what happens by October 9th (Niigata City Marathon day).

A Thought:

At the end of my run tonight, I was thinking of success, and on my experience so far with how to best approach achieving a goal (I was not just thinking about running, but my blog, personal development, financial situation, etc). This thought came to me, almost in the spirit of something Gary Vaynerchuk would say:

The closest thing to a guarantee you're ever gonna have is persistence, consistency, and patience.

Murakami seems to echo this sentiment here:

Murakami Haruki, from his book: WHAT I TALK ABOUT WHEN I TALK ABOUT RUNNING.

Tonight's recap:

Distance: Just over 2 miles
Theme Song: "Somewhere"- Soundgarden

Playlist so far:

  1. "Under the Pressure" - The War on Drugs
  2. "Somewhere" - Soundgarden


If you missed the past marathon blog posts, you can find them here:



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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