10K training run W11D3 (fiftyrunstillmay 20/50 & #RunforSteem)

I'm almost at the end of my training. Next weekend I have to do my 10K and see if I can do it in less than 40'. So today I finished my week with a long fartlek, it was the last one!

But first, I need to show you my new shoes. It's the New Balance FuelCore Rush V3. I bought them at only 45€ instead of 90€ (I love sales!). Before buying them, I read that they are made for the road and speedy training (or race) because they are light (250 grams in size 43). I also read that they have a good dynamism but less cushioning (good for light runners like me).


And because it was very cheap, I bought another pair, more multipurpose so that I can do runs in the wood etc. I will talk about them in another post.

Now, the training. It was composed of:

  • 25' of endurance warm-up
  • 5x4' at a 3'54"/km pace with 2' rest between
  • 10' of cool down

On the paper, it looks like a hard training. 4' is very long (a bit more than 1 km in my case) and the rest is short. But it's logical since it's the last long fartlek before my 10K run! I managed to do the first four times and the last one was a mistake. I don't know why but I thought the fourth one was the last so I walked after it. I saw that I did a mistake only 30" later. So this is why I didn't manage to maintain the pace.

Capture d’écran 2018-01-07 à 13.38.42.png
Capture d’écran 2018-01-07 à 13.38.54.png

It's hard to say if the shoes are nice after one run but I can say that I didn't feel any pain during the run. And I can feel the lightness of them which is really nice.

You can participate to the Run For Steem Challenge here

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