10K training run W9D2 (fiftyrunstillmay 13/50 & Run for Steem)

Second run of the week today with a endurance run. It's an easy run before my 10K session this weekend.

It was just a 40' run at 5'10"/km pace with 3 accelerations at the end. It was not as easy as I thought because I did party almost all night! I felt it in my head while running.

Here is my Strava session:
Capture d’écran 2017-12-21 à 17.57.35.png
Capture d’écran 2017-12-21 à 17.57.56.png

And my intervals:
Capture d’écran 2017-12-21 à 17.57.46.png

I don't know why but I don't feel it for this weekend and I don't really want to do it. It was very hard 2 weeks ago and I don't see what's the point to do it again this week. We'll see how it goes!

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