10K training run W9D3 (fiftyrunstillmay 14/50 & Run for Steem)

I did the last run of the 9th week this weekend but because of Christmas I didn't take the time to write about it directly. So I hope you all had a wonderful weekend like mine and now it's time to get back on Steemit :p !

This run was again a 10K at full speed to test myself. Since it was really difficult 2 weeks ago, I didn't want to do it this time. But of course I did and unfortunately I didn't beat my personal record.

After 15 minutes of warm-up and some active stretching I started my 10K with the objective to do it in less than 40 minutes. Rapidly, I knew I won't be able to do it. You can see in the details that already right after the 4th km, I started to be too slow and even if I tried to increase my speed, I didn't manage to do it.

At the end I did it in 41'24" which is my second best time (40'27" is my PR). Even if I didn't beat my PR, I think it is still a good time (and next time, I won't go out like I did the night before :p)

Capture d’écran 2017-12-26 à 12.17.54.png
Capture d’écran 2017-12-26 à 12.18.02.png

You can participate to Run For Steem Challenge here.

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