Yesterday I finished my week seven. It's time to explain it for you :)
Because of schedule problem, I changed my training and didn't do what I was supposed to do. I did my first run on Thursday and I didn't want to do all my sessions in just a few days. That's why I dropped one session (the first one, an interval training). But I tried something new and I still ran 3 times this week!
First run: slow endurance run
And the end of the week, I had to do what they call a test control. This is the first one and I had to do 10K at almost full speed. That's why one session was just a slow endurance run. It was obviously not hard and I really focused on the speed and my heart rate.
Second run: small run before a race
As I said it in the beginning, I tried something new. I know that some people run the day before a race and I wanted to try it since it was just a test race and not a real race. So I did 20' at a really slow pace. I don't really know if it helped but my legs were fine the next day.
Third run: the race
It was not really a race but since I had to do it at almost full speed it was like a race for me. The objective was 10 km in 40'52". It's fast but I already did a 10K in less than 40' so it was not unfeasible. An the end I did 40'36". It was very hard especially after the fifth kilometer. I think that it's going to be difficult to do 1h23 for 20km in 5 weeks. We'll see!
In total I didn't do a lot of kilometers this week because I dropped one training.
Check the Steem Running Project and the RunForSteem Challenge if you are interested in running.