Fiftyrunstillmay 24/50 : recovery run (RunForSteem)

As I said in one of my previous posts, I finished my 10K training. But I'll still post about my runs, at least until the end of the fiftyrunstillmay challenge.

So I did my 10K run Saturday and I needed some recovery run after that. That's what I did today. Just a simple run with an objective to do between 50' and 60'.

At the end, I did 10.7 km in 52'30" at the 4'54"/km pace. You can see my Strava session below:
Capture d’écran 2018-01-16 à 18.36.12.png
Capture d’écran 2018-01-16 à 18.36.21.png

I don't know if it's a consequence of the 10K run or the new shoes but I had sore calves at the end. In my opinion it's probably the two reasons. Doing a race with new shoes was not a good idea but I didn't have a choice. I'll see how it goes during the next run.

And speaking of the next run, I don't know yet if I do a simple run or an interval training (but which one?). So if you have an idea of what it's best, feel free to share it in the comment section ;)

If you like to run like me, there are few challenges now on Steemit:

Go check them out!

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