In the Running ABC's, X is for...

The pic is my girlfriend and I getting ready for a spin class, a great way to get out of crappy weather during winter

It's come to the time where we explore the letter X in our running ABC's. I am sure by now you would have thought that I would have cheated, especially with the letter Q. But yes today, I am going to take the easy way out and I have opted to let the letter X stand for X-Training(Cross Training).

For anyone not familiar with the term X-Training is when a runner trains by doing another kind of physical activity such as cycling or swimming, as a fitness workout or training session to help the runner take a break from running or help supplement their running.

Benefits of X-Training

Although some training plans recommend that your training should be specific to your running goals and the only way you can do that is by just using running as your training, there are still quite a few benefits that you can gain by incorporating this form of training into your plan.

Improve Motivation and Enjoyment

One of the first benefits of incorporating X-Training into your training plan is the fact it can give you a break from running. Especially if you are training for a longer distance race, continually performing run after run can be mentally exhausting as well as physically exhausting. By swapping out some of your training with some different physically activity can provided a well needed break from the day to day routine, and allow you to return to your running with added motivation.

Prevent Injuries and Improve Strength

One of the main causes of injury in running is the constant pounding on the pavement from day to day training sessions. X-Training gives you the opportunity to allow your body a well earned break allowing it to recover. It can also help build weaker muscle groups to ensure there are no potential muscle imbalances in your body. It is also a great way to rehabilitate from an existing injury.

Greater Overall Fitness

X-Training can actually enhance your overall running efficiency and provide you with more strength. Especially when you are new to the sport, it will help you build your endurance without constantly having to run.

X-Training for Runners

So what are some good examples for X-Training for runners:

  • Cycling can improve endurance and strength while making sure you are reducing the impact on your body. If you are worried about dealing with traffic and weather conditions, don't forget you could always jump on a spin bike at the gym.
  • Swimming is not only can be a great way to improve core strength, it is also a great way to increase your endurance and lung capacity, with improved core strength can help reduce your risk of injury.
  • Walking can be an awesome fat burning and endurance workout. You just need to make sure you are making the workout long enough to get the benefit. You could also substitute a walk for your recovery run.

If you missed any of the previous five posts, you can see them at the following link:

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