J is for...In the Running ABC's

The above image is me running at the Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon Last week in New Zealand

J is for Junk Miles and Jokes in the Running ABC’s

I couldn't decide to post about Junk Miles, or post a list of Jokes related to running so I am going to tackle both with a discussion on Junk Miles and some of the best(or worst) running jokes I have heard in recent time. Please let me know if you think this has worked or been a complete failure(I can take it).

Joke 1:

Q: Did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato?
A: The lettuce was a "head" and the tomato was trying to "ketchup"!

A Discussion on Junk Miles

I wanted to bring this up as a discussion as some people place a lot of emphasis on the fact that if a run does not have a specific physiological benefit or not have a specific purpose, it is considered a junk mile and is a waste of time. It's a confusing topic to discuss and one that I don't think there are any real right or wrong answers.

Joke 2:

Q: What is absolute jealousy?
A: The feeling you get when you're driving in your car and pass runners.

Runners who train to a high mileage training philosophy would argue that any running is beneficial as long as the more miles you make the better(within reason). The benefit is that the body adapts to the high amount of distance run and the body is able to adapt while running in a tired state. In contrast, runners who work from a low milage quality over quantity training plan would say that the adaptations come from higher speed workouts to training the body to run at a faster pace.

Joke 3:

Q: Why did the runner cross the road?
A: Because that's where the less-crowded aid station was.

What Does The Science Say About Junk Miles

Unfortunately, there has been a lot of research and although there is a direct correlation between higher weekly running mileage and a lower finishing time, there is also a lot of research to say that large improvements can be made by replacing slower training with faster running.

Joke 4:

I like all the things about running that aren't running. (Eating carbs, comfortable footwear, being cheered.)

My Opinion on Junk Miles

Personally, I believe any run can have a benefit, but it is up to the individual to determine. Whether its recovery from a hard week of training, stress relief from a busy day at work, or simply building endurance without causing injury. It's something the runner needs to determine. Mindlessly running with no reason, or because someone told them to, can cause not only a stagnation in their training and speed but also generate a lack of enjoying in running.

Joke 5:

Did you hear about the ultra runners who lived in different cities? They had a long-distance relationship.

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