The Last Run...(#runforsteem post)

Yes mates, you read it well...

This has been my last run...

It's a pity but I will be not able run for at least two weeks...

Injured?...sick? eh? nope... I'm not injured neither sick at all...well, a I'm a little bit insane as usual but nothing serious at this level that would not let me running...

Actually there are two problems that prevent me from running.

  • First, I have a business meeting at KOREA this Friday and so I will be travelling abroad from Wednesday early morning to Sunday noon.
  • Second, a a full day Management Training which I have to attend next week, from Monday to Friday, 9-18h, with just 1 hour for lunch...

Normally, wherever I travel for business I used to find 1 hour for running...this time I will not manage, for sure...

Regarding, next week training, someone may say "Ok, no problem, you can go for running earlier or after work!!!" and I would say "No way man, I have two children and a wife that needs me"... That's the case...

So, today I went for running... Since I didn't have any plan I decided for a quiet progressive run along the Barcelona Seaside Promenade and so enjoying of the sunny but windy day.

And that is what I did:

1st Km: 5'37" and 124 bpm of averaged heart frequency
2nd Km: 5'13" and 135 bpm
3rd Km: 4'59" and 142 bpm
4th Km: 4'53" and 142 bpm
5th Km: 4'29" and 144 bpm
6th Km: 4'29" and 148 bpm
7th Km: 4'19" and 152 bpm... suddenly I thought that I was feeling really strong and fast and so, it was a shame to lose a good fit condition, thus I reduced the pace for a minute, taking the decision of running my last kilometer at a very fast pace in order to get empty and be satisfied with myself, being this run the last one for a few days...

8th Km: 3'18" and 169 bpm of averaged Heart Frequency and with a Maximum of 174 bpms

When I finished the last lap I felt well, satisfied, I can take the following days as a resting time or as a sort of Holidays from running in order to come back with full power batteries in two weeks from now.

At the end of the Running workout, my FENIX 3 was indicating a VO2max value of 60 ml/kg/min, which is not bad for the current level of training I am able to sustain. As usual, the watch also indicates the "usual" times you can achieve related with the current VO2max.


I have to tell that, even if my real BP in 5Km, 10Km and Half Marathon, more or less corresponds to what the watch is indicating, for the Marathon I am far from that time... My best time is 2h54' or 11' more than the watch forecast... I don't think Marathon can be easily correlated with a 5K or 10K race... simply because the things that happen while running a marathon are completely different at a physiological level.

Till here my Last Run post

I hope it has not been so boring ;-)...

Remember, if you want to see more details you can always check my activity:

By the way, this is my post for the #runforsteem challenge which I invite you to have a look and participate, if you still don't, by checking this.

Breathe, Run, Dream, Live...

Keep on running!!!

@toofasteddie, proud member and author/promoter of the @runningproject initiative

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