Crack the Safe #1 - Earn Steem Power

Image Credit: Adobe Stock

Welcome to the first game of Safe Crack created by @keverw - check out my latest post @keverw/i-am-now-a-millionaire

Be sure to follow @safecrack to see new games on your Steemit Homepage

Safe Crack is a game where you guess the 4 digit code to unlock the safe. Whoever is closest to the actual code wins. If there are multiple winners, then the payout will be split.

This game only requires a upvote and a comment, otherwise, it's free to play.

The contents of the safe are the post rewards for this post that will be paid out as Steem Tokens and Steem Dollars after the first payout in approximately 24 hours. Then this post will be scored and what's paid out in Steem Tokens and Steem Dollars will be rewarded to the players - both the winners and participants.

How to Play

To participate in this game, upvote the main post and comment with a 4 digit number such as 1234 that's more than 0. Do not write the code out like one two three four as the scoring script doesn’t understand English. It just simply is looking for the first four set of numbers in your comment.

If you get your post in after the scoring script was run, your entry will be ignored so make sure you get them in within 24 hours from this posting.

If you comment multiple times with a number, the scoring script will just pick whichever it discovered first as only one guess per user.

How Payout Works

The posts Steem Tokens and Steem Dollars from this post first payout will go into the rewards pool. 10% of the Steem Tokens and 15% of the Steem Dollars will be kept as the reward for the running of, development and maintenance of this game along.

This also helps cover any rounding for anything below the third decimal place such as if someone won 0.0001, then it'd have to be paid out as 0.001 since Steem has 3 decimal precision.

In the unlikely event that enough people don't play, and no or not enough earnings for the post then the game will be voided and therefore no payout. Also if there happens to be no SBD printed as part of post rewards until the marketcap improves then 50% of the Steem Tokens will be exchanged to Steem Dollars for the Steem Dollar part of the rewards pool on the internal exchange.

The payout stages are:

  • Step 1: 90% of the Steem Tokens the post earned will pay out as Steem Power to everyone who participated(Upvoted main post + commented a 4 digit code to be counted as a participant) with everyone getting a minimum of 0.001.
  • Step 2: 85% of the Steem Dollars the post earned will be split up between the people who guessed the correct code or was close such as only x +/- off.

The winning number is determined before the game starts.

Fair Hash: 1HhGbJAZrwDfhtNjxAvmygchxMpGPkzOt6869

After this round of the game is over, this post will be updated with the winning number and a verification word. If you SHA-256 hash the gameNumber + saltString + code you can verify the outcome matched the fair hash provided.

Other Image Credits: Pen & Stickies Image Credit and Game Tokens

Game Results:

The post earned 6.3315 Steem. No Steem Dollars were printed out as an award for this post. So 50% of the Steem earnings (6.331 Steem) was traded on the internal exchange which netted 1.679 SD.

I also realized I forgot to actually hash the fairhash string... I output what was supposed to be hashed without actually hashing it... Going to adjust the code to the next game. This was the first live test of the game however and it's free to play so hopefully no one will be really that upsemadt there was an issue with an early beta of this game.

People who have participated has been paid out.

  • gameNumber: 1
  • saltString: HhGbJAZrwDfhtNjxAvmygchxMpGPkzOt
  • Code: 6869
  • Winning Offset: 1
  • Participants: 30 each getting 0.19 SP and 0.001 Steem
  • Winners @nextgen622 each getting 1.428 Steem Dollars
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