100 Dollar Steem By Christmas? - Absolutely


There has been quite a lot of speculation about the future STEEM prices on Discord chat recently. I wanted to separate some of the more fanciful theories from facts, and after some digging, I've concluded that STEEM will likely pass 100 dollars very soon, and reach 1 million by the end of the year. That's why I used a picture of a happy girl.

When dealing with absolutes, it's much easier to make predictions. There are some things we know to be true which could effect the price of STEEM. Things like smart contracts, governance, flamingos, and fidget spinners. We know all about those things right? Factor in Neds hair, hard forks, and some great recipes and we end up with a clearer picture of the future.


Let's do some scientific chart analysis.

After the tumbleweed cleared earlier in the year, things started happening in Asia with investment and flamingos. Once the price of STEEM took off, not even fidget spinners could take it back to previous lows. There were things like corrections and retractions on the way. Crazy shit amirite?


Based on these factors and with consideration for some inevitabilities, we can make an informed prediction for the future price of STEEM.

The green line might do some loop-the-looping later in the year. This is an effect of parabolic growth. As you can see, my charts are a load of parabollix.



Buying STEEM now is like buying Bitcoin back in 1806. We're in the very early stages of early adaption. We're literally rolling around in wealth and rubbing it in our faces like some avant-garde Czech film about consumerism. Time to stop rubbing that wealth in our faces and start putting it into our satchels, like a Xanax addicted Kangaroo on the darknet for the first time. You know exactly what I'm talking about. August first. That's all I'm saying.


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