Promoting Steemit Using YouTube: My First Son-of-Satire Video

You might have noticed that I disappeared for a while there. This project of mine took a lot longer to complete than I had initially anticipated. It seems I greatly underestimated the amount of work involved in creating a cartoon on your own. I was forced to downgrade my initial complex, colour character designs to more basic simple line drawings in order to make the animation easier. I also had to cut out a lot of the dialogue or I would have been spending months on this thing.

Below is the final product. In spite of the problems I had, I am quite happy with the end result considering this is my first cartoon and I am still learning. I expect that as time goes on and I produce more videos, both the quality of the content, and the speed at which I can create it will increase-- much like in the case of my writing on Steemit. The plan is to have the skills to produce high quality cartoons by the time I have established a bit of a following on YouTube, and then use the channel to send YouTubers to Steemit. I have spoken with another Steemit artist who has expressed interest in perhaps assisting with some of the drawing, which would dramatically speed up the process, so I'm feeling rather optimistic about the channel and the good it could do for Steemit in the long run. Anyway, here it is..

Any shares of this video to raise awareness of the channel are greatly appreciated. Also, if you have any excellent Steemit related videos that you would like me to post on the channel, share them in the comments.

Thanks for watching!

If this made you laugh, resteem it so that your followers can laugh too.

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