I think I spotted some fake accounts by @davidding (self upvoting abuser)

Hello everyone!

   I know I am way too new here to be making accusations, but since this community is all about giving... I thought I should share what I have found.  

   Before I created my Steemit account, I spent a couple of weeks lurking around the platform, learning how it works, what is encouraged and what is frown upon. Then I realized that abusing self-upvoting is, together with plagiarism, the worst things to do here. Fair enough... nobody likes seeing the reward pool being drained by selfish users, and plagiarism... well that is really bad anywhere, not just in Steemit.

   One day I ended up in davidding account. I found it intriguing how a user with 100.000+ SP could have a reputation of -11. 

  He explains in his profile description that his low reputation is because he self-upvoted a bit too much and got punished. Well... we all make mistakes I thought.  So I kept an eye on his account. Then recently I found what it looks like some fake accounts of him. He was punished for self voting too much, so he created fake accounts to keep doing what he is good at: selfishly draining  the reward pool.

   One of the accounts that I think is one of his fake ones is @animal-lovers.

   In its introductory post "she" says  her name is Isabella Chloe and this is supposed to be her.

  It smelled really fishy so I searched around to find out that she is a pornstar called Katerina Hovorkova.

But what made me realize animal-lovers and davidding are the same person is the amount of upvotes the latter  gives to the first one. Take a look:

   I wish I could get $13 for commenting: "Thank You"

What bugs me the most, more than the rewards pool being drained, is being taken for fool. We are not dumb enough not to see this. He was punished for self upvoting, and now he does this?

  I think he has other fake accounts, bot for those I have no real proofs so I can´t do anything about it.

I hope not to offend/bug anyone with this... I am just trying to help the community grow the healthier possible.

Thanks a lot for your time, for reading all the way to the end. 

Will tag some of the users that for what I´ve seen, take action when they see something like this happening (reward pool being abused) Hope not to bug you guys!

@stellabelle  @sherlockholmes  @demotruk  @smackdown.kitty   @blacklist-a   @dan


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