Now That I've Finally Reached My Goal of 10K Steem Power - Do I Power Down? Nah!

At the turn of the New Year I had been on Steemit for nearly six months, it was slow going at first but with some hard work and dedication I was able to build up some Steem Power.

I really don't recall the SP number but pretty sure it around 4k. I had dreams of being a Dolphin though, and at that time a Dolphin I was not - a big boned minnow perhaps.

The 10K Mark


I really don't know where I got 10,000 SP in my head as the number needed to qualify as a Dolphin. I'm pretty sure based on the badges @elyaque created 5k is the entry level Dolphin badge.

However, you need to have goals and targets in life - and 10k to me was needed to be a legit Dolphin!


A New Year's Promise

Generally I avoid the whole resolution thing, but it does act as a easy timeline to gauge growth. So at the beginning of this year I made myself a promise I'd grind out content and curate everyday until I got to my target number!

Roughly 2,400 Posts/Comments Later.....

The magic number was hit this weekend!


No Power Downs to Date

I have not powered down scaredycatguide once since joining in July 2016. Granted I have taken some SBD out to recoup the fiat dollars I used to buy some a little steem last summer, but otherwise everything has been reinvested back in the business as I like to say!

What to do Now?

Maintaining 10k SP is important to me. I want to remain a Dolphin as steemit grows and the SP amount to be one grows as well.

I don't see myself powering down this account now, maybe I will wait till my 1 year anniversary in late July and use some steem to do a steemit celebration party (a great way to introduce my friends to steemit as well).

Making a Difference

Plus, I really love the fact that my upvotes have a noticeable impact on people's posts now. I'm able to vote more now and still make a difference. Example - I can do 50% vote power, cast twice as many votes and still add around 25 cents.

I freaking love that!!!

The cherry on the icing of the steemit cake of awesomeness is the people I have met over the past year that have introduced me to things I would have never otherwise seen. Hopefully I have done the same for some of them as well.

Steem on!


Images source: Pixabay

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