Schoolhouse Saturday by A Panama Mama - Homeschooling Intro

This is my first Schoolhouse Saturday post! I’m excited to share with you every week what we do for school, the method we use, fieldtrips we go on, our lending library and much more. I hope you’ll check in each week to give us some encouragement and see what we have been up to.

As I have said before, I am a former Spanish teacher to middle school students. I have taught in a public school in the past, but I much prefer the freedom that comes with teaching my own kids at home. The curriculum we have chosen to use is called Ambleside Online. It is a free online curriculum, but you have to find or buy the books that are to be read. Here are some of our favorite books from this year.


My children are aged 8, 7, 5, 4, and 2, so learning comes in all shapes and sizes. The method we have chosen to use to educate our kids is the Charlotte Mason approach, but we will talk more about that later. With this method, CM encouraged formal education to begin after the child turns 6. So I currently school 2 of my kids. That will be changing in two months, though!

We currently do school in the afternoon since it is rainy season and is usually raining then. That gives us the mornings to go out with friends, field trips, play outside or just get stuff done. Most of our expat friends here in Panama also homeschool their kids so it is fun to do field trips together. We recently have been to a flower farm, a cheese producer and a farm and nursery.


We also did some homeschool community service by cleaning trash out of a local park. We love learning in such a beautiful environment and look forward to sharing more about our schoolhouse experience here!


Schoolhouse Saturday will be brought to you here every Saturday by A Panama Mama.
Check back each week for updates on school life, curriculum, our lending library and more.
If you have something you’d like to hear about, feel free to let me know in the comments.
Thanks for visiting!

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