The effect of visualization with relation to brain

To understand what visualization is, one must know about the conscious and subconscious function of the mind. We think with the help of consciousness (rational mind), and when our thoughts are repeated, they pass into the subconscious (creative mind). The subconscious mind begins to accept this thought as truth and to attract its content in life. It creates circumstances in which our repetitive thoughts begin to manifest themselves in reality.

The positive effect of visualization, as scientists suggest, is that brain is not able to draw a line between the real event in which we are actually participating and the imagined one which exists only in our fancy. Thus, if a person periodically starts to imagine a situation, an event, then the desire and the opportunity to realize it appear subconsciously. By mind we can understand that to realize what we have conceived there is now no possibility. However, the subconscious has already begun its work to find options and ways to achieve the goal.

The subconscious is omnipotent and unlimited.

The language of the subconscious is the language of images. So visualization is effective for realization of goals, in the work of psychologists with clients, is effective in psychological work with children, in meditations. The Bible was written by the language of the images. All that was said by Jesus are all images only, as the spoken language changes in time, and the images remain unchanged in meaning in the centuries. By the language of images is written all the tales. Visualizing fairy tales, children get acquainted with the world. A characteristic feature of geniuses is their uncommon ability to visualize. In fact, people like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola Tesla, Wolfgang Mozart, Mendeleev, attributed their creative genius to their ability to visualize.


The brain generates an impulse, it creates new neural pathways of cells in the gray matter of the brain that work together to create a memory of awareness, new beliefs, or behavioral patterns.
That is why they say visualization is a great power which we possess to change ourselves in better way. That's why we have such expression: you are what you are thinking about=)

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