Aliens and Drugs: Can psychedelics be used to contact beings from out of this world?


Among people who are interested in science, I often notice that there is a certain conflict in the thinking - on one hand they believe that life, even intelligent life, outside of Earth, is possible, and even likely, while on the other hand, they refuse to research what might be evidence of such life, such as UFOs, crop circles, structures on Mars which have high levels of symmetry, or strange cases such as that of Stanley Romanek, a man who claims that he writes advanced physics formulae in his sleep.


They're not like us

The fact is, if there are beings and civilisations on other planets, it is very likely that they wouldn't think or talk quite like us, and that's why people say that expecting radio waves from aliens is like a native American looking over the sand dunes, expecting a European to send back a smoke signal. It's possible that aliens don't even know what a radio wave is, let alone how to send one.

Advanced tech

On the same note, ETs may have been around a lot longer than us, and for that reason, talk using methods far more advanced. Humans can control certain forces on Earth, such as fire, water, radio waves, microwaves, electricity. An advanced alien race might have learnt to "hack minds", or manipulate consciousness, with a similar level of control.


A blank slate

What if there were substances on Earth which enables humans to put their brains in a state in which they were ready to use them to communicate? A radio operator sits down behind a microphone, and has his antenna or tower ready to beam out the signal across the world - the right equipment for the medium. What is the right equipment to prepare ourselves to send messages across the stars?

Assuming the alien's understanding is advanced enough, earthside we might not need something so complex. If the ETs can hack minds, and the brain can be put in a state where it can see or hear things not related to the senses, a state where random images and sounds are heard, that would be enough. That would provide a kind of blank slate for the aliens to write on.

Drugs such as peyote, LSD, DMT, among others, can produce such states (though some might describe their effects as anything but random). Many will say that the images, sounds, and other sensory data produced by these substances is nothing more than an effect of the chemicals acting in the brain - but that seems to present things a little too simply. All of the images, sounds and sense are an effect of chemicals acting in the brain - that doesn't mean they're not related to real objects.

The unexpected


If you want to try to find a kind of being so strange, so foreign, and so different to you then you must consider looking in places that seem strange, different and foreign - places where you didn't expect to find things of value. These psychedelic drugs provide us one avenue of exploration. Many already accepted this idea, beyond question: that these substances can take us to the stars, faster than any rocketship.

About me

kurt robinson in the mountains of puebla

My name is Kurt Robinson. I grew up in Australia, but now I live in Guadalajara, Jalisco. I write interesting things about voluntaryism, futurism, science fiction, travelling Latin America, and psychedelics. Remember to press follow so you can stay up to date with all the cool shit I post, and follow our podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people, here: @paradise-paradox, and like us on Facebook here - The Paradise Paradox

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A Life-Altering Peyote Trip: A maybe-true science fiction story

Psychedelic science fiction story - "Zero Dimension"

Economics lessons from an alien 👽 A true science fiction story

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